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Queen Thyra says:- Let the games begin!

Who are the fastest, strongest and most cunning Vikings in Sweden and Denmark? The score will be settled in Viking Games 2014. Queen Thyra and her entourage travel around to secure the support of the local Vikings and appoint new warriors to the Queens Table and hird. With her come the most valiant fighters of the four local Viking clans. Watch the Vikings challenge each other in the old Nordic games and try them out yourself! 

Again, Danish and Swedish Viking attractions are joining forces to attract more regional and international visitors interested in history and adventure. In addition to the annual Viking events, markets and other Viking experiences you can for the second year in a row enjoy Viking Games - an adventure day for the whole family that takes place in five places in the Malmoe/Copenhagen area during the summer.

In Viking Games the audience will meet the characters Queen Thyra, her hen-picked right hand Ragnar and the incorruptible judge Sven the Honest. They guide the audience through the competition when the Vikings challenge each other in:

Archery - This is a classic skill that the Vikings are forced to master in both war and peace to defend themselves but also to trap prey and avoid going hungry.Draw skin - Here the women show who has the strongest hands. They tug and pull a tough animal skin until only one victor keeps the leather in her hand. They are allowed to trap and trick but not to hit or kick the opponents.

Draw sword - Weight and brute strength is important to the men competing in “draw sword”. But without cunning and cooperation also the strongest Viking will see himself defeated in this game.

Go to Island - This game will put the whole team's strength and agility to the test. Who will build a human bridge that reaches all the way to Iceland?

The Horse - This is a balancing act that requires it’s male or female. Sit on the horse while knocking down the pieces around you without touching the ground.

Throw Axe - The small battle axes wines quickly through the air and hits its target with impressive precision. Watch out! You don’t want to stand in the way!

The home teams challenge - The local Viking are given a great advantage when they get to challenge their opponent in a secret competition. Of course, they have chosen a challenge that gives them a major advantage - or have they underestimated their opponents?

Tug of War - After a full day of though games, one might think that the Vikings are tired and longing for a pint of mead. But it is not weaklings but Vikings competing! Together, they challenge each other and the audience in a final showdown.

The Vikings has also joined forces in a folder that guides international visitors to all the Viking attractions in the Malmoe/Copenhagen area. The program shows an attractive mix of Viking markets, Viking weddings, show fights and workshops teaching Viking craftsmanship. Even when there are no major events going on visitors can sail Viking ship, enjoy a Viking open-air theater, take a walk in a Viking town or visit one of the Viking king Harold Bluetooth’s strongholds!

 - The range of Viking attractions is great in the Malmoe/Copenhagen area, but in the past they have not been coordinated. By bringing together the marketing communication and develop Viking Games, we have formed an internationally attractive reason to visit the area. We know that there is an international interest in Viking products and with our shared Viking heritage Sweden and Denmark are well positioned to create unique Viking experiences, says Ulrich Ammundsen, Executive Secretary of Oresund Event Center.

Denmark: Anette Moss, Oresund Event Center / / amo@oresundeventcenter.com / / 2113 7102 or Mikkel Bechshøft , Oresund Event Center / / mib@oresundeventcenter.com / / 2067 6502
Sweden: Petra Strandberg, Trelleborg Tourist Office / / petra.strandberg @ trelleborg.se / / +46 (0) 708-81 71 75

www.vikinggames.euwww.facebook.com / viking games oresund

VikingaTider, Loddekopinge, SwedenVikingaTider is an open-air museum where you can see how the landscape looked like in the Viking Age in Sweden. Here there are great opportunities to try the old crafts, participate in daily life and learn about the Vikings.Viking Games: May 18Read more: www.vikingatider.se

Trelleborgen, Trelleborg, SwedenTrelleborgen is an outdoor museum with a Viking fortress. It is situated in the middle of Trelleborg, a city in southern Sweden. In 1988 remains of a Viking fortress were found in the city. It was the remains of one of the strongholds the Viking king Harold Bluetooth built to unify and defend his Viking Empire in the 900s. Today a quarter of the fortress has been recreated. The museum also contains a Viking exhibition, café and shop as well as a Viking farm with a longhouse, pit houses and a garden.Viking Games: August 16Viking Market: 4 to 7 JulyRead more: www.trelleborgen.se

Foteviken Museum, Hollviken, SwedenFoteviken Museum with its Viking town is one of Scandinavia's biggest archaeological open-air museums. Here you can take a stroll in the world's only reconstructed Viking town! Follow the narrow streets and discover the smithy, bakery, a large banquet hall, lookout tower and much more.Viking Games: 30 AugustViking Market: June 25 to 30Read more: www.foteviken.se

Frederikssund Viking Theatre, DenmarkThe Frederikssund Viking Theatre is a major annual event that engages a lot of people in the city. The local interest in the Vikings has resulted in a small settlement. Five pit houses, a longhouse and a small harbour with bridge illustrates how the Vikings lived their lives. In the pit houses different crafts are demonstrated and if you are lucky you run into some real Vikings! 

Viking Games: May 24
Viking Market: June 20 to 22
Viking Games: June 20-July 13

Read more: www.vikingespil.dk
Trelleborgen, Slagelse, DenmarkOne of the places where the Vikings way of life can be best experienced by us modern humans are in the Viking Castle Trelleborg near Slagelse on West Zealand. In the beautiful countryside remains of one of Harold Bluetooth’s great Viking ring castles is clearly exposed. It was built in the 980s but still the remains of the fortress, houses and graves are evident in the landscape. You will also find a museum, a shop and a Viking longhouse built in 1930s.Viking Games : September 6Viking Festival: July 12 to 20Read more : www.vikingeborgen - trelleborg.dk

CENTEROEC’s goal is to develop the Malmoe/Copenhagen area, and make it Northern Europe’s leading destination in terms of attracting and developing large events, that can contribute to create growth in the region. With increased share of knowledge and development of the competences between central players in the area, Oresund Event Center supports and drives the development of events. OEC has its secretariat in Wonderful Copenhagen and is funded by EU/Interreg. OEC has a circle of partners consisting of 15 Danish and Swedish regions, municipalities and knowledge institutions. OEC was established in the beginning of 2012 and will continue as a project until and including 2014. www.oresundeventcenter.com

Destination Viking is a new travel experience concept. Partners from a number of countries have come together to develop a borderless tourism destination focusing on the Viking world. Quality is a key word for Destination Viking - as a visitor you expect quality at every level, and we will deliver it. Quality means quality of activities, quality of presentations, quality of workmanship, quality of sites, quality of food, and quality of souvenirs. In short: quality experience! DVA was founded in 2007 as a result of several successful Interreg projects. The main task is to work for a strong tourism focus on the Viking experiences and promote cooperation between the Viking attractions and groups around the world. The association has members from all over Scandinavia, the British Isles and the Baltic States.www.destinationviking.com



Tourism in Skåne AB leder utvecklingen av varumärket Skåne till att bli Sveriges starkaste destinationsvarumärke. Som Skånes officiella marknadsbolag ska vi marknadsföra, sälja och utveckla Skåne som destination. Tillsammans med partners skapas nya affärsmöjligheter och ökad kunskap som ska leda till högre upplevd kvalitet för besökaren. 

Tourism in Skåne AB ägs, tillsammans med systerbolagen Event in Skåne AB, Film i Skåne AB och Invest in Skåne AB, av Business Region Skåne AB (Region Skåne (85%) och Kommunförbundet Skåne (15%).


Sara Brynskog

Sara Brynskog

Presskontakt BI- & Kommunikationschef Business Intelligence & Corporate Communication +46(0)40-675 34 96
Karin Liliedahl

Karin Liliedahl

Presskontakt Pressansvarig +46 724596309

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