Discover new movies through music with atflick MMDb

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Discover new movies through music with atflick MMDb

VionLabs have created an app that connects film and music. Atflick Movie Music Database is a Spotify-based app where you can find the soundtrack of your favourite films and TV-shows. In addition to this, you will be able to discover new films by searching for your favourite music tracks. Atflick MMDb is the perfect search engine for people with a passion for music and film.
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Josephine Charpentier

Presskontakt Chief Communications officer(CCO)/Marketing & PR Communication, Market & Public Relations 46735000940

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Discover new movies through music with atflick MMDb

VionLabs have created an app that connects film and music. Atflick Movie Music Database is a Spotify-based app where you can find the soundtrack of your favourite films and TV-shows. In addition to this, you will be able to discover new films by searching for your favourite music tracks. Atflick MMDb is the perfect search engine for people with a passion for music and film.