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​Altia and Arcus to create the leading Nordic wine and spirits brand house

At 29 September 2020, the Boards of Directors of Altia Plc and Arcus ASA jointly announce that Altia and Arcus have entered into a combination agreement to form the leading brand house for wine and spirits in the Nordics and Baltics. 

Altia and Arcus are both successful companies on their own. Together, we will have a unique brand portfolio, more resources for developing new products, become more attractive to international partners and brand owners, and have more resources for selective investments and M&As outside the Nordics too. 

With a preliminary aggregated annual revenue of EUR 640 million and 1.100 professionals around the Nordics and Baltics, the combined company will be well positioned to offer deep consumer insights and accelerated product innovation. We will be an attractive partner for brand owners, having local set-ups as well as a premier pan-Nordic route-to-market. 

For our customers there will be business as usual short term, but over time it is our clear ambition to further strengthen our joint partnership through a strong, local organisations supporting our portfolio and innovation agenda. 

With many skilled employees, we can provide stronger consumer understanding and increased customer value across markets. Several approvals have to be in place before the merger can be completed. 

In November the two companies will hold general meetings that will vote on the merger. Following the approval of competition authorities, a completion of the merger is expected to take place Q1 2021, or Q2 2021 at the latest. 

Until then, there will be business as usual as Arcus and Altia will continue to compete. For further questions, please reach out to your local Arcus contact or contact Erlend Stefansson, Managing Director Arcus Spirits on erlend.stefansson@arcus.no or phone +47 913 46 487


Vingruppen i Norden består av fem importörer - Vinunic, Wineworld, the Wineagency, Valid Wines och Quaffable Wines.

Tillsammans har vi ett av branschens bredaste sortiment och vi delar alla samma passion och engagemang för produkterna och dess producenter.

Vår historia är djupt rotad i kärleken till produkten. Redan 1992, då allt började med Vinunic, var syftet att lyfta fram de produkter och producenter vi själva vill dricka och öka kunskapen om.

Detta ledde till framgångsrika samarbeten med några av världens mest kända producenter och varumärken. Samarbeten som vi utvecklats med under åren. De nära banden till våra leverantörer har format ett tankesätt som i dag genomsyrar hela vår verksamhet; framgång byggs genom starka relationer. Detta gäller i allra högsta grad relationen till våra kunder.


Catharina Forssell

Presskontakt Pressansvarig Press, PR, events 08 545 81 655

Tillsammans är vi VINGRUPPEN I NORDEN

Vingruppen i Norden består av fem importörer - Vinunic, Wineworld, the Wineagency, Valid Wines och Quaffable Wines.
Tillsammans har vi ett av branschens bredaste sortiment av vin och vi delar alla samma passion och engagemang för produkterna och dess producenter.

Vingruppen i Norden AB

Regeringsgatan 109
103 92 Stockholm