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Vinga acted as advisor in connection with the SEK 140 million senior secured floating rate bond issue for Patriam Lilla Essingen AB

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Vinga acted as advisor in connection with the SEK 140 million senior secured floating rate bond issue for Patriam Lilla Essingen AB

The bond issue was well received by the market and ended up being oversubscribed. The issue attracted strong interest from both Nordic and international high-quality investors.

The bond bears a coupon of 10% p.a. + EURIBOR/STIBOR 6m and has a maturity of 6 months after the issue date, with an option to extend the maturity by six 6 months. The proceeds from the bond issue will be used to refinance an acquisition facility used when Patriam acquired the properties at Lilla Essingen.

Vinga Corporate Finance acted as corporate finance advisor, and Roschier Advokatbyrå AB acted as legal corporate finance advisor. The bonds will be registered through Euroclear Sweden.

Johan Bergström
Senior Project Manager – Vinga Corporate Finance
+46 720 80 30 03

About Patriam
Patriam Invest AB is a family-owned real estate developer based in Stockholm. The Group was founded in 2015 and has its roots in one of Sweden's largest consultancy companies within project- and real estate development. Patriam is an experienced developer with a focus on attractive locations with underlying market demand.


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41114 Göteborg