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Stort intresse att investera i miljövänlig, lokal odling av jätteräkor hos VegaFish vid Ramp13 i Karlstad

VegaFish deltog i Karlstads årliga evenemang Ramp13 ( anordnat av Näringslivsforum i Karlstad. Sex entreprenörer presenterade där sina affärsidéer för tolv st. investerare (vargar), i analogi med TV-programmet Draknästet. VD Matilda Olstorpe presenterade VegaFish. Stort intresse fanns för VegaFish´s idé om lokalt och miljövänligt odlade jätteräkor (


  • Brott, juridik, rättsfrågor


  • jätteräkor
  • lokal odling

Originally initiated by the Hallstaviknätverket, VegaFish is together with its strategic partner SLU developing proprietary, highly cost efficient, and environmentally sustainable processes for fish farming. VegaFish is also developing processes for live microbial fish feed.

The VegaFish farming system is closed, land-based, and mobile. The processes combine the high production efficiency of Biofloc with proprietary intellectual property to adjust the system to colder climate by using industrial waste heat.

In the initial phase a proof-of-concept facility is being set up. Once proof-of-concept has been established, a pilot scale production facility will be set up and thereafter converted into a full scale farming facility. The initial focus will be on giant shrimp and/or tilapia.

VegaFish will sell and distribute its products to selected distributors in the food and fish-faming industries respectively.


Lars-Johan Larsson

Presskontakt Marknadsansvarig

Matilda Olstorpe

Presskontakt VD

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