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Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2024 approaching 60,000 registered participants – several races are filling up

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Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2024 approaching 60,000 registered participants – several races are filling up

With three weeks left until the first race in this winter's big event, Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2024, there is significant interest in registering for the 14 races. Öppet Spår Sunday will soon reach its limit with 10,000 registered participants, and the 100th Vasaloppet has been fully booked for a long time.
"It feels fantastic that the races are starting to fill up, and we look forward to welcoming 60,000 participants to a joyful celebration in the Vasaloppet Arena," says Johan Eriksson, CEO of Vasaloppet.

The snow situation and conditions in the Vasaloppet Arena are close to ideal, and interest in cross-country skiing is high across the country, as evident from the number of registrants.
"The winter weather has been good overall, and people have been able to train. Even smaller facilities have been able to stay open this year, and we see a strong response when it's possible to ski locally. We had an initial forecast of 55,000 registered participants, but we have already almost reached that number with three weeks left until the first race," says Johan Eriksson.

Apart from the fully booked 100th Vasaloppet taking place on Sunday, March 3, there are currently only a few hundred spots left in Öppet Spår Sunday, held on February 25. All other races currently have start positions available, and participants can register right up until the start, subject to availability.
"Young and old people alike getting moving for the sake of their health feels more important than ever. So it's pleasing to see our colleagues in the industry also signalling a positive development, with interest in recreational races growing, for example in En Svensk Klassiker," says Johan Eriksson.

Record number of foreign participants

Over 8,000 participants from nations other than Sweden have already registered for Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2024, setting a new record! Traditionally, Norway, Denmark, and Finland have been the largest foreign nations. Norway is still the largest this year, but Germany has now risen to second place; for the first time, over 1,000 Germans are registered for the Winter Week. Also new in third place is the Czech Republic.
"Of course, this is excellent from a tourist economic perspective, and we believe it's the 100th Vasaloppet that adds a little extra appeal. The fact that Czech TV has broadcast Vasaloppet in recent years and that the Czech long-distance race 'Jizerská50' is considered one of the four 'Grand Classics' races in Ski Classics is clearly having an effect. After Sweden and Norway, the Czech Republic is the third largest nation in the 100th Vasaloppet on March 3, 2024. Over 750 Czechs will participate in the race. It's fantastic and it demonstrates the international appeal of Vasaloppet," says Johan Eriksson.

10 pieces of trivia about Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2024

- Currently, 30,000 participants have registered for the 90 km races, while the rest have chosen races ranging between 9 and 45 km.
- Stafettvasan has surpassed 1,500 registered five-person teams (7,500 participants), with the company Ahlsell accounting for 89 (!) of the registered teams.
- In Tjejvasan on Saturday, February 24, we will witness the 200,000th finish in the race's history; the world's largest ski race exclusively for women is being held for the 36th time this year.
- Two new races are introduced: Öppet Spår Monday 30 and Öppet Spår Monday 45, where participants can choose between skating and classic skiing.
- In total, 38 percent of the registered participants in Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2024 are women. In the 100th Vasaloppet on Sunday, March 3, 21 percent of the registered participants are women, setting a record; in 2023, 18.4 percent of participants in Vasaloppet were women.
- In Vasaloppet 10 on Saturday, March 2, participants are encouraged to wear clothing and equipment from bygone eras. The slogan is: On skis throughout time!
- Several races, including Tjejvasan and Vasaloppet, have lowered age limits for participation.
- Swedish Television, SVT, broadcasts Tjejvasan and Vasaloppet live.
- Vasaloppet's own streaming service, Vasaloppet.TV, covers all races during Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2024.
- Barnens Vasalopp on skis in Sälen and Mora, for children aged 3–10 years, will be visited by Bamse.

Upcoming events in the Vasaloppet Arena

Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2024 and the 100th Vasaloppet – skis

Friday 23 February: Vasaloppet 30, start Oxberg, 30 km
Saturday 24 February: Tjejvasan, start Oxberg, 30 km
Sunday 25 February: Öppet Spår Sunday, start Sälen, 90 km
Sunday 25 February: Ungdomsvasan, start Eldris, 9 km, start Hökberg, 19 km
Monday 26 February: Öppet Spår Monday 90, freestyle, start Sälen, 90 km
Monday 26 February: Öppet Spår Monday 45, freestyle, start Evertsberg, 43 km
Monday 26 February: Öppet Spår Monday 30, freestyle, start Oxberg, 28 km
Tuesday 27 February: Vasaloppet 45, start Oxberg, 45 km
Friday 1 March: Stafettvasan, ski relay, five sections, start Sälen, 90 km
Friday 1 March: Nattvasan 30, individually or two-person teams, freestyle, start Oxberg, 30 km
Friday 1 March: Nattvasan 45, individually or two-person teams, freestyle, start Oxberg, 45 km
Friday 1 March: Nattvasan 90, individually or two-person teams, freestyle, start Sälen, 90 km
Saturday 2 March: Vasaloppet 10, freestyle, start Eldris, 9 km
Sunday 3 March: 100th Vasaloppet, start Sälen, 90 km (FULLY BOOKED)

Vasaloppet's Summer Week 2024 – cycling and running

Friday 9 August: Ungdomscykelvasan, 32 km, start Oxberg
Friday 9 August: Cykelvasan Öppet Spår, 96 km, start Sälen
Friday 9 August: Cykelvasan 45, 45 km, start Oxberg
Friday 9 August: Cykelvasan 30, 32 km, start Oxberg
Saturday 10 August: Cykelvasan 90, 96 km, start Sälen
Friday 16 August: Trailvasan 10, 10 km, start Mora
Saturday 17 August: Ultravasan 90, 92 km, start Sälen
Saturday 17 August: Vasastafetten, 92 km, running relay for ten-person teams, start Sälen
Saturday 17 August: Ultravasan 45, 45 km, start Oxberg
Saturday 17 August: Trailvasan 30, 30 km, start Oxberg

Vasaloppstrippeln – ski, bike and run, all in one year
Vasaloppstrippeln is a challenge where you complete three races – skiing, cycling and running – during one and the same calendar year. Choose between 30, 45 or 90 kilometres.

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High-resolution photos from Vasaloppet

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For more information
Camilla Sandy, Press Manager Vasaloppet
+46 (0)70-384 95 00

More on Vasaloppet
room: mynewsdesk.com/se/pressroom/vasaloppet
Facebook: facebook.com/vasaloppetofficial
Instagram: @vasaloppet


Vasaloppet is the world's biggest cross-country ski race. Vasaloppet's Winter Week with its cross-country skiing and Summer Week with mountain biking and running attract a total of almost 100,000 registered participants every year. Since the beginning in 1922 over 1.8 million participants have passed the finish line portal in Mora. Vasaloppet is a non-profit making organization owned by IFK Mora and Sälens IF. An engine for public health and sports club activities, in forefathers' tracks for future victories!


Camilla Sandy

Presskontakt Kommunikatör och pressansvarig +4670-384 95 00

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At 09:00 on Friday, February 23, the first participants will set off on the trail in Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2024. The first race is Vasaloppet 30, which is 30 km long, and it's followed by 12 other races with distances ranging from 9 to 90 kilometres before the 100th Vasaloppet in history takes place on "Vasaloppet Sunday," March 3. Currently, over 57,800 participants are registered – from 67 di

Vasaloppet är världens största arrangör av motionslopp, året runt.

Vasaloppet startade 1922, men är mycket äldre än så. Det första Vasaloppet genomfördes redan 1521 av Gustav Eriksson. Under sin flykt undan den danske kungen blev han upphunnen i Sälen och återvände till Mora för att leda upproret mot ockupationsmakten. Gustav Eriksson enade så småningom riket och blev Sveriges första kung, mer känd under namnet Gustav Vasa. Sälen är med andra ord inte enbart startplats för ett av världens största motionslopp, utan också startpunkten för hela vårt lands historia. Det första loppet lockade 119 skidåkare till start. I dag kommer uppåt 100 000 deltagare från över 60 länder till vår bygd för att åka skidor, springa eller cykla mellan Sälen och Mora. Vasaloppet må ha växt, men syftet är det samma: Att med utgångspunkt från den klassiska sträckan genomföra idrottsarrangemang som skapar resurser och möjligheter för ägarföreningarna samt alla funktionärsföreningar. Med ideella krafter för vi en svensk tradition vidare.

Vasaloppet är en ideell verksamhet som ägs av IFK Mora och Sälens IF. En motor för folkhälsa och föreningsliv.