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Rule change in Nattvasan – now part of Vasaloppstrippeln

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Rule change in Nattvasan – now part of Vasaloppstrippeln

Nattvasan 90 and Nattvasan 45 will, from Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2020, be part of Vasaloppstrippeln 90 and Vasaloppstrippeln 45. Because of this, so-called roping, where participants link up with a rope to help one another, will no longer be allowed in Nattvasan, though participants still ski together in two-person teams.

Nattvasan 90 and Nattvasan 45 are some of Vasaloppet's most adventurous races, with two participants skiing together through the darkness between Sälen or Oxberg and the finish in Mora. The race is freestyle, meaning that you can choose classic style or skate, and the experience of skiing at night in the glow of headlamps under the moon and stars is usually described by participants with a single word: magical.

Up until 2019 Nattvasan has allowed so-called roping, where one participant can pull the other forwards using a rope, but that will no longer be allowed from the Winter Week 2020 and on.
"The biggest reason for this is that we want Nattvasan to be part of Vasaloppstrippeln 90 and Vasaloppstrippeln 45. Participating in a Nattvasan team is just as big of an individual achievement as completing any other race over the same distance. And Vasaloppet's goal is clear; we want to inspire people to get moving and experience the Vasaloppet Arena, making this the right decision," says Vasaloppet's Development Manager Johan Eriksson.

Roping has, since the start of Nattvasan in 2017, only been used by a minority of participants. Vasaloppet has also, in dialogue with participants, been given indications that having people roped together on downhills slopes in the dark can be seen as risk and, though no incidents have occurred, this understanding has been part of the decision-making process.
"Nattvasan will still be a two-person race where participants ski in pairs. Partly for safety and partly because we've seen that people like setting common goals, training and preparing for a race together, completing the race as a team and encouraging and supporting one another along the way," says Johan Eriksson.

From 2020 Nattvasan 90 will also count towards a medal year. Just as when you've completed Vasaloppet or Öppet Spår 10 or 20 times you'll be entitled to a special medal. Only one race counts per year and the result should be registered in your name. Medal years for Nattvasan will not be counted retroactively.

It has not, as of yet, been settled whether Nattvasan 90 and Nattvasan 45 will, with these changes, be included as races in En Svensk Klassiker. A decision on this is estimated to come from En Svensk Klassiker in November.


  • Nattvasan is a team race where each team consists of two participants. Teams ski together and when finishing the maximum time difference can be no greater than 20 seconds. The final time is clocked when the second team participant finishes.
  • Nattvasan is a leisure race with focus on the adventure; no winner is crowned 
  • The race is freestyle meaning that you can skate or ski classically
  • During Nattvasan 90 there will only be one staffed checkpoint, Evertsberg, where extra energy and drink will be served. At other checkpoints drink can be self served.

    There are specific equipment requirements for Nattvasan 90 and Nattvasan 45. Each participants must have:

  • Headlamp
  • 1 litre of liquid
  • Liquid container that you can fill up at a self-service station, plastic cup or similar. (Vasaloppet does not provide disposable cups)

Vasaloppet also recommends that participants bring:

  • Windproof jacket and trousers
  • Baselayer top
  • Extra hat and gloves
  • First aid bandages
  • Energy bar or similar
  • Extra batteries for the headlamp

Upcoming events in the Vasaloppet Arena

Vasaloppet Winter Week 2020
Fri 21 Feb: Kortvasan. 30 km. Start Oxberg.
Sat 22 Feb: Tjejvasan. 30 km. Start Oxberg.
Sun 23 Feb: Ungdomsvasan. 9/19 km Start Eldris/Hökberg.
Sun 23 Feb: Öppet Spår Sunday. 90 km. Start Sälen.
Mon 24 Feb: Öppet Spår Monday. 90 km. Start Sälen.
Tue 25 Feb: Halvvasan. 45 km. Start Oxberg.
Fri 28 Feb: Stafettvasan. 9–24 km. Five-person teams. Start Sälen.
Fri 28 Feb: Nattvasan 90. 90 km. Two-person teams. Start Sälen.
Fri 28 Feb: Nattvasan 45. 90 km. Two-person teams. Start Oxberg.
Sat 29 Feb: Blåbärsloppet. 9 km. Start Eldris.
Sun 1 Mar: Vasaloppet. 90 km. Start Sälen.

Vasaloppet's Summer Week 2020
Fri 14 Aug: Cykelvasan Öppet Spår. 94 km. Start Sälen
Fri 14 Aug: Cykelvasasprinten. 1 km. Lindvallen. Start Sälen
Sat 15 Aug: Cykelvasan 90. 94 km. Start Sälen
Sun 16 Aug: Cykelvasan 30. 32 km. Start Oxberg
Sun 16 Aug: Ungdomscykelvasan. 32 km. Start Oxberg
Sun 16 Aug: Cykelvasan 45. 45 km. Start Oxberg
Sat 22 Aug: Trailvasan 30. 30 km. Start Oxberg
Sat 22 Aug: Ultravasan 45. 45 km. Start Oxberg
Sat 22 Aug: Ultravasan 90. 90 km. Start Sälen
Sat 22 Aug: Vasastafetten. 90 km. Running relay for ten-person teams. Start Sälen
Sat 22 Aug: Vasakvartetten. 90 km. Running relay for four-person teams. Start Sälen

Vasaloppstrippeln 2020
Vasaloppstrippeln 30. Kortvasan or Tjejvasan + Cykelvasan 30 + Trailvasan 30
Vasaloppstrippeln 45. Halvvasan + Cykelvasan 45 + Ultravasan 45
Vasaloppstrippeln 90. Vasaloppet or Öppet Spår Sunday or Öppet Spår Monday + Cykelvasan 90 or Cykelvasan Öppet Spår + Ultravasan 90

Contact person:
Johan Eriksson, Development Manager Vasaloppet +4670-342 83 80
Michael Thorén, CEO En Svensk Klassiker, +4670-559 72 21

High-resolution photos from Vasaloppet:

Text and photos may be freely published.

For more information

Camilla Sandy, Press Manager
+46 (0)70-384 95 00

More on Vasaloppet?
Press room: mynewsdesk.com/se/pressroom/vasaloppet
Facebook: facebook.com/vasaloppetofficial
Instagram: @vasaloppet
Twitter: @vasaloppet

Vasaloppet is the world's biggest cross-country ski race. Vasaloppet's Winter Week with its cross-country skiing and Summer Week with mountain biking and running attract a total of almost 100,000 registered participants every year. Since the beginning in 1922 over 1.5 million participants have passed the finish line portal in Mora. Vasaloppet is a non-profit making organization owned by IFK Mora and Sälens IF. An engine for public health and sports club activities, in forefathers' tracks for future victories!


Camilla Sandy

Presskontakt Kommunikatör och pressansvarig +4670-384 95 00

Vasaloppet är världens största arrangör av motionslopp, året runt.

Vasaloppet startade 1922, men är mycket äldre än så. Det första Vasaloppet genomfördes redan 1521 av Gustav Eriksson. Under sin flykt undan den danske kungen blev han upphunnen i Sälen och återvände till Mora för att leda upproret mot ockupationsmakten. Gustav Eriksson enade så småningom riket och blev Sveriges första kung, mer känd under namnet Gustav Vasa. Sälen är med andra ord inte enbart startplats för ett av världens största motionslopp, utan också startpunkten för hela vårt lands historia. Det första loppet lockade 119 skidåkare till start. I dag kommer uppåt 100 000 deltagare från över 60 länder till vår bygd för att åka skidor, springa eller cykla mellan Sälen och Mora. Vasaloppet må ha växt, men syftet är det samma: Att med utgångspunkt från den klassiska sträckan genomföra idrottsarrangemang som skapar resurser och möjligheter för ägarföreningarna samt alla funktionärsföreningar. Med ideella krafter för vi en svensk tradition vidare.

Vasaloppet är en ideell verksamhet som ägs av IFK Mora och Sälens IF. En motor för folkhälsa och föreningsliv.