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Deal on resettlement expected on Thursday after a four year-long block

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Deal on resettlement expected on Thursday after a four year-long block

After being blocked by member states since 2018, the Parliament and the Council is set to reach a final deal on the regulation on resettlement by tomorrow, Thursday, morning.

The framework for a European regulation on resettlement was just about to be adopted under the Bulgarian presidency already in 2018, when a few member states vetoed the proposal.

With the current Czech presidency, however, the file was brought to light again. After receiving the green light from member states, a final trilogue meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday morning at 9.40, in which a deal is expected to be reached.

Swedish MEP Malin Björk (The Left), rapporteur for the file, is happy to see the proposal on the table again.

– It is time for the EU to get this important legislation in place. It will help to ensure thousands of people to come to Europe in a safe way, says Malin Björk.

The European resettlement framework regulation is a scheme in which the EU will be able to support member states to resettle some of the world’s most vulnerable refugees. It is the only EU legislation that opens a legal pathway for people seeking protection in Europe.

After tomorrow’s trialogue, the deal needs to be formally adopted by the Council and the Parliament before entering into force.

Vänsterpartiet är ett parti med rötter i den svenska arbetarrörelsen. Vi arbetar för rättvisa och jämställdhet. Vi tror att människor tillsammans kan skapa ett bättre samhälle.


Lotta Narvehed

Presskontakt Pressekreterare Press och kommunikation +32 (0) 498 44 31 40

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