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Hi3G is awarded a UMTS licence in Denmark

The Danish Government today announced that Hi3G Denmark ApS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hi3G Access AB, has been awarded one of the four licences to offer UMTS services in Denmark. This will enable Hi3G to provide the Danish population with world-leading mobile multi media services.

To take a leading position on the market, Hi3G will be a driving force in the development of mobile broadband services. Hi3G's strategy is to provide the most innovative and attractive services over its network in Sweden and Denmark.

"Hi3G will bring a strong 3G offering to the Danish market. We are focused only on the new technology and are convinced that the third generation mobile technology will influence a basic change in how we communicate. By combining advanced data services with mobility 3G creates a new medium, to be used for work and leisure", says Chris Bannister, Hi3G's CEO.

Hi3G's customer offering in Sweden and Denmark will benefit from knowledge sharing and cooperation within the network of Hutchison Whampoa companies that holds 3G licences in Australia, Austria, Italy and the UK.

For more information please contact:

Niclas Lilja, Director Communications, Hi3G

Telephone: +46 708-45 70 90, e-mail: niclas.lilja@hi3gaccess.se

Hi3G is the holder of a Swedish and a Danish UMTS licence and is aiming to become a leading mobile multimedia operator with attractive and innovative services. The company's strength lies in the fact that it is a pure 3G company, with no baggage from old technologies such as GSM. Hi3G is expanding rapidly with the support of its owners, Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. (60%) and Investor AB (40%), who have solid network and industry track records worldwide. Hi3G is cooperating with other Hutchison Whampoa companies that hold 3G licences in Australia, Austria, Italy, and the United Kingdom. Please stay in touch and visit www.hi3gaccess.se.



Jasmine Sowood

Jasmine Sowood

Presskontakt PR-ansvarig (PR Manager) +46 (0) 735 43 86 07


Tre Skandinavien (Hi3G Access AB) startades i december 2000 med visionen att skapa en helt ny plattform för mobil kommunikation. I dag äger och driver Tre 3G, 4G och 5G-mobilnät i Sverige och Danmark och består av cirka 2 000 anställda. Tre Skandinavien, som är en del av den globala 3-gruppen med verksamhet i elva länder, ägs av Hong Kong-baserade CK Hutchison, som äger 60 procent av bolaget, och svenska Investor AB, som äger 40 procent. Läs mer om Tre på www.tre.se och mer om Tre-gruppen på www.three.com.

Tre Sverige

Entrétorget 5
121 18 Johanneshov