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Artikel om Titania i South China Morning Post

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Artikel om Titania i South China Morning Post

Titania blev den 11 oktober 2013 publicerad i SCMP, South China Morning Post, en av de största tidningarna i Asien. Artikeln handlar om vad Titania kan erbjuda investerare som väljer att investera i företagets potentiellt mycket lönsamma projekt i egen regi. Nedan kan artikeln läsas i sin helhet och för mer information om vilka investeringsmöjligheter som finns i Titania, se www.titania.se 

"Titania Group woos real estate investors in Asia

The most comprehensive construction and installation group in Stockholm invites Asian investors to join in its journey towards further growth. Marking its 10th anniversary of consolidating expertise in all aspects of building and renovation, Titania Group is ready to assist Asian investors entering Stockholm's booming real estate market.

"We can help investors with local knowledge because we know how the system works and we have experience from several projects," says CEO Einar Janson.

Sweden's Royal Dramatic Theatre and the Skogskvarteren residential suburb by the Ullna Strand are among Titania's high-profile projects. The company ensures quality and maintains control in every project with integrated services including property selection and purchase, design, development, selling and brokering. Titania focuses on renovations such as converting offices into residential apartments and on updating plumbing systems using a relining technique which does not require changing the existing pipes.

"We have the whole range, and that's quite unique in Sweden," Janson says. "Our core competence is to take total responsibility in a project."

This responsibility includes assuring investors of Titania's reliability in managing long- and short-term investment opportunities with low risk and high returns for investors who are particularly looking to Stockholm. Stockholm's high income level, housing shortage and projected population increase of 500,000 residents by 2030 make it an ideal location for inbound investments.

"There are good investment opportunities in Stockholm but a shortage of possibilities to finance them," Janson says. "We want to make personal connections that make investors feel they can rely on us."

Titania looks forward to building these firm relationships with Asian investors and with housing development companies in China that are interested in knowledge exchange and sourcing partners for materials. These relationships will help drive Titania's business development plans, which include constructing buildings from the ground up by next year.

Titania Group

Hela artikeln kan läsas på Hela artikeln kan läsas på www.scmp.com

Läs resten av specialnumret om Sverige i South China Morning Post här med artikeln om Titania på sidan S6! 

För mer information om att investera i Titanias projekt, se rubriken Investerare på www.titania.se 

For more information about investing in the Titania Group, se "In English" on www.titania.se

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Anders Söderlund

Anders Söderlund

Presskontakt Head of IR 08-6684444

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Titanias VD, Einar Janson, nominerad till Entrepreneur of the Year 2012!

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