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Thomas Concrete Group's German subsidiary, Thomas Beton GmbH, has been tasked with delivering concrete for the prestigious replacement building of the "Pfaffendorfer Brücke" in Koblenz, Germany.
Thomas Concrete Group's German subsidiary, Thomas Beton GmbH, has been tasked with delivering concrete for the prestigious replacement building of the "Pfaffendorfer Brücke" in Koblenz, Germany.

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Large concrete order for historic bridge project in Germany

Thomas Concrete Group's German subsidiary, Thomas Beton GmbH, has been tasked with delivering concrete for the prestigious replacement building of the "Pfaffendorfer Brücke" in Koblenz, Germany. The project involves an extensive overhaul of the bridge, which is one of the city's major traffic arteries and a historic symbol of the Rhine.

Approximately 40,000 vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians pass over the old Rhine bridge daily, inaugurated in 1953. Now, as the bridge has deteriorated and can no longer handle the daily traffic load, Thomas Beton has been entrusted with supplying the concrete for the new bridge.

The total budget for the project amounts to 181.3 million euros and encompasses not only the construction of a new 311-meter-long bridge but also the renewal of retaining walls, adjacent roads, driveways, and the installation of an elevator system. In total, 17 different building structures will be updated to meet future demands for traffic and sustainability.

"We are proud to be a part of this significant project and look forward to contributing high-quality concrete to ensure the sustainability and safety of the 'Pfaffendorfer Brücke.' This project is an excellent example of our commitment to participating in projects that improve and streamline our communities," says Thorsten Brinkmann, Chief sales officer, Thomas Beton, Germany.

The project entails the delivery of various tailor-made concrete products, including the heaviest concrete with a raw density of over 4 tons. A unique aspect of the project is the concrete delivery to an existing historic building adjacent to the bridge. With the use of 700 cubic meters of FILLTRON (lightweight concrete), the stability and preservation of the building as a cultural landmark are ensured.

The project is expected to be completed by 2028, with Thomas Beton GmbH anticipating delivering a total of 32.500 cbm of concrete to the project.

For further information, please contact:
Hans Karlander
CEO and President, Thomas Concrete Group
E-Mail: hans.karlander@thomasconcretegroup.com
Phone: 0046 (0)104 50 50 55

About Thomas Concrete Group AB

Thomas Concrete Group is a Swedish family-owned conglomerate that produces and distributes high-quality concrete products and services. The company was established in 1955 in Karlstad by Martin Thomas and now operates in the USA, Poland, Germany, Norway, and Sweden. The headquarters are located in Gothenburg. The group has 2,400 employees, produced 5.9 million m³ of concrete, and had a turnover of over 10.5 billion SEK in 2022. The subsidiary in Sweden is named Thomas Betong AB. www.thomasconcretegroup.com

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Sofia Arvidson Schultz

Sofia Arvidson Schultz

Presskontakt Brand & Marketing Communications Manager PR & Communication +46 104 50 50 48

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Welcome to Thomas Concrete Group

Thomas Concrete Group är en internationell och oberoende grupp som producerar och distribuerar högkvalitativ fabriksbetong till kommersiella och privata kunder. Thomas Concrete Group bildades 1955 av Thomas familjen Sverige. ​Efter 60 år på marknaden är vi en av de ledande leverantörerna av högkvalitativ fabriksbetong i Sverige. Genom att kombinera leverans av betong med våra prefab produkter och breda utbud av tjänster, kan vi säkerställa kompletta och effektiva lösningar för ditt byggprojekt.

Vi har verksamhet i Sverige, Tyskland, Polen, Norge och USA. Vårt huvudkontor ligger i Göteborg, Sverige.