World Record Attempt and No Limit dive for Swedish Annelie Pompe in Egypt

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World Record Attempt and No Limit dive for Swedish Annelie Pompe in Egypt

Annelie Pompe is a world champion freediver and a climber. She feels as home at the bottom of the sea as on the top of a mountain or on a rock face. Right now she is in Egypt and focus to take back her world record in variable weights. If she succeed she continues to hold a No Limit record of 160 meters. A record that has been untouchable for 10 years.Follow Annelie at her blogg
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Annette Ericsdotter

Presskontakt CEO/Founder Storytelling - Marketing +46 70 777 91 00

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World Record Attempt and No Limit dive for Swedish Annelie Pompe in Egypt

Annelie Pompe is a world champion freediver and a climber. She feels as home at the bottom of the sea as on the top of a mountain or on a rock face. Right now she is in Egypt and focus to take back her world record in variable weights. If she succeed she continues to hold a No Limit record of 160 meters. A record that has been untouchable for 10 years.Follow Annelie at her blogg