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Telavox eRate
Telavox eRate

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Telavox joins forces with eRate in Norway to strengthen its Nordic offering

Swedish UCaaS company Telavox continues its M&A journey by acquiring eRate, the MVNE frontrunner in Norway. With this merger, Telavox not only strengthens its Nordic offering but also benefits from the superior Telenor network coverage.

Why Telavox and eRate?

eRate is Norway’s undisputed Mobile Virtual Network Enabler (MVNE). This business combination will significantly improve Telavox’s Nordic offering and position.

The two companies complement each other well: eRate excels at connectivity while Telavox is prominent in UCaaS. This powerful combination enables the solid UCaaS B2B business in Norway to accelerate. As such, we will improve our offering for larger pan-Nordic and Norwegian customers alike. Also, eRate’s best-in-class MVNO capabilities are transferable to other countries, which will benefit our European customers.

There are multiple reasons to join forces with eRate. We were especially impressed by the people and what they have achieved with a lean organisation and friendly yet ambitious atmosphere.

The objective is to significantly improve our offering for Norwegian customers through the deployment of Telavox UCaaS in the Norwegian market. Telenor’s superior network coverage will accelerate our user base in Norway and improve the overall offering for existing and new customers. eRate will continue to build on its success and strong track record as an MVNE.

What the CEOs say

Viktor Karlsson, founder and CEO of Telavox, always keep the customer in mind:

“A strategic acquisition as eRate complements us with significant capabilities that are key to capture the opportunities we see in the Nordics, Europe and globally. Great people drive our long term vision to continue to build on existing success in Norway, alongside the fantastic people at eRate. Together, we can deliver the best UCaaS product for new and current customers in Norway. We are re-entering Norway with a clear growth mindset and strong desire to deliver superior software and service to the Norwegian market”, says Viktor Karlsson.

Ove Vik, CEO of eRate, sees a bright future ahead:

“Telavox is the ideal owner of eRate as the company ventures into a new phase of growth by taking on a larger part of the telecommunications value chain, most notably as an MVNO with VAS. Telavox has extensive experience of both products and technologies in the telecom market but from a different perspective. This provides eRate with a broader scope of opportunities and a faster time to market, which will enhance our competitiveness”, says Ove Vik.

Re-entering the Norwegian market

Organically entering Norway did not yield the results we had set. So when this opportunity appeared, we saw great potential in improving our offering for existing and new customers. The sum of eRate’s connectivity and Telavox’s UCaaS software will be a powerful combination to serve the best interest of our customers.

eRate at a glance

eRate is a Nordic business enabler with the platforms and agreements needed to become a mobile operator fast track. The company was founded in 2005 with headquarters in Oslo, Norway, and has about 50 employees. eRate enables mobile services for more than 350,000 end users through B2B and B2C customers.

Telavox at a glance

Telavox is a Nordic UCaaS provider committed to enabling productive, enjoyable communication and collaboration in the workplace. Founded in 2003 and with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden, Telavox currently employs more than 360 employees. The Telavox platform has over 260,000 business seats.



Telavox – Framtidens telefoni
Telavox är ledande leverantör av telefoni och växeltjänster till svenska företag.

Telavox är ledande leverantör av telefoni och växeltjänster till nordiska företag

Telavox utvecklar en världsledande kommunikationsplattform med lösningar för smart och effektiv telefoni, växel, kontaktcenter och mycket mer. Oavsett om det handlar om startups eller storföretag, så bidrar Telavox till att göra företag mer öppna, effektiva och tillgängliga.

Vi vill att ni ska kunna fokusera på passion, mål, personal och kunder istället för kommunikationspusslet. Därför har vi ersatt branschens långa inköpsprocesser, komplicerade integrationsprojekt och onödiga installationer, med användarvänlighet och wow-känsla.

Vi var molnbaserade redan från början 2002 och behöver inte lägga tid på att anpassa oss till den digitala förändring som vi har varit med att driva fram. Våra kommunikationslösningar utmanar gamla idéer och underlättar redan vardagen för över 350 000 användare.

Telavox (Sverige)

Stora Varvsgatan 6A
21119 Malmö

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