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Telavox expands in Europe – acquires cloud-based communication provider in Spain

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Telavox expands in Europe – acquires cloud-based communication provider in Spain

The Swedish UCaaS company, Telavox, has acquired the Spanish cloud-based communication company Numintec. It's a major milestone for Telavox's expansion in Europe that opens up two new markets: Spain and Portugal.

The acquisition is a great opportunity for Telavox to create a strong position in one of Europe's largest and fastest-growing UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) markets. The global pandemic is rapidly changing the way companies work and communicate. Covid-19 has exponentially increased the demand for UCaaS services across all sectors and industries.

“Spain is a European leader in digital infrastructure and has an extensive fibre network. The MVNO-friendly landscape, in combination with the high use of mobile subscriptions in the B2B sector, is perfect for Telavox's mobile-centric offering,” says Viktor Karlsson, founder and CEO of Telavox.

Numintec is an established, local player in Spain with a well-known national brand with a strong sales force. The choice fell on Numintec because the companies share the same drive and vision. Their common goal will be to develop the next generation of UCaaS services for Europe.

Numintec is very strong in the call center area – a domain in which Telavox wants to grow. In turn, Telavox has a powerful offering in other areas such as mobility and collaboration tools.

“Our shared experience and capacity enable us to make larger investments and thereby develop better products. We can create a powerful international offer that adds tangible business value to our customers. Spanish companies can benefit from holistic communication and solid mobile offerings. Together, we become stronger,” says Albino Campo, CEO of Numintec.

The companies will be run in close collaboration, and Albino Campo will continue to be the CEO of Numintec. One focus area will be to make the product available through various channels, whichever the customers prefer.

“We want to be available to customers on their terms: directly from us; online and offline; from the customer's local trusted dealer; one-stop-shop service providers, or existing telco. Telavox is very pleased to enter another market that highlights the need for mobility-centred services,” says Viktor Karlsson.

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About Telavox:

Since 2003, Telavox offer a world-leading communication platform with solutions for smart and efficient telephony, PBX, chat and much more.

Telavox is a UCaaS provider committed to enabling productive, enjoyable communication and collaboration in the workplace. The Telavox headquarters is in Malmö, Sweden, and the company currently has more than 280 employees. Over 300,000 business users utilise the Telavox platform in five different countries.

About Numintec:

Since 2002, Numintec has committed to research, development and innovation that has allowed the company to develop a fully cloud-based platform with their own technology, facilitating integration with any other system that their clients may have, as well as the capacity to adapt to customers specific needs.

Numintec takes the clients communications to a different level and improves the efficiency, productivity and profitability with the Numintec cloud solutions.

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Telavox är ledande leverantör av telefoni och växeltjänster till nordiska företag

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Vi vill att ni ska kunna fokusera på passion, mål, personal och kunder istället för kommunikationspusslet. Därför har vi ersatt branschens långa inköpsprocesser, komplicerade integrationsprojekt och onödiga installationer, med användarvänlighet och wow-känsla.

Vi var molnbaserade redan från början 2002 och behöver inte lägga tid på att anpassa oss till den digitala förändring som vi har varit med att driva fram. Våra kommunikationslösningar utmanar gamla idéer och underlättar redan vardagen för över 350 000 användare.

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