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Make music with your whole body,  photographer: Åke E:son Lindman
Make music with your whole body, photographer: Åke E:son Lindman

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National Museum of Science and Technology wins international award

The National Museum of Science and Technology and Håkan Lidbo wins the prestigious The Mariano Gago Ecsite Award 2016 ”Strategic Partnership Award” for innovative co-creation in the exhibition MegaMind.

The international award was handed out by Ecsite European Network Science Centres & Museums at a gala in Graz, Austria last night. The National Museum of Science and Technology in Sweden is awarded for extraordinary cooperation which the jury find as a role model for science centers in Europe.

The National Museum of Science and Technology wants to strengthen children and young people's technical confidence and awake curiosity for technology and science at an early age. It aims to be “all little geniuses favorite place” which, together with the values "together" and "for all" have been the basis for the creation of the science center exhibition MegaMind and the development of the installation Music with Your Whole Body that now has been awarded.

– To be a museum for all, we saw it as a matter of course to create MegaMind in co-creation with others, not only technical experts, but also artists and above all, the visitors themselves. To win an award for having worked with these creative people, Håkan and hundreds of children with different conditions is just fantastic, says Peter Skogh, Director of the museum.

The museum is actively working to include the perspective of children into all their work and projects. September the 6th 2015 the museum opened its largest investment to date; new science center MegaMind. The exhibition is a result of more than two years of co-creation where a total of 700 children with different conditions have been involved in the concept and design phase, as well as user-tested installations.

What impressed the jury the most is the great work that was put into including visitors with different needs.
– I am very grateful for the contributions that all children with different conditions made for this project, says Håkan Lidbo, Music Artist.

Jury motivation:
“The exhibit development process of “Music with Your Whole Body” made the most of the fruitful meeting point of art and science and involved direct participation from visitors, serving an often neglected audience and addressing their special needs. The Jury was impressed by the openness of this collaboration, and the evidence of profound learning both on the artist’s and on the science center’s side. This project struck a chord with the Jury: it is an inspiring example of co-creation for the science engagement community.”

For more information, contact
Anna Velander Gisslén, Communications Officer, +46 708 95 65 20, anna.gisslen@tekniskamuseet.se




The National Museum of Science and Technology – all little genius' favorite place

The National Museum of Science and Technology works to increase the public and especially young people's interest in science and technology in a fun and inspiring way. The museum also has a mandate to manage and care for Sweden's industrial and technological heritage. The National Museum of Science and Technology is Sweden's largest technical museum, in 2015 the number of visitors were 346 600.


Calle Ros-Pehrson

Calle Ros-Pehrson

Presskontakt Pressansvarig/kommunikatör 08-450 57 10

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Tack till Ericsson, huvudpartner till Tekniska museet.

Tekniska museet

Museivägen 7
11593 Stockholm