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Photo: Zpark Duo T-serie. Photo: Mats Engfors (fotographic)
Photo: Zpark Duo T-serie. Photo: Mats Engfors (fotographic)

Press release -

Zpark: Utilize green grants for EV-charging – A sustainable investment for businesses and association

Zpark Energy Systems, a prominent player in energy systems and charging infrastructure, encourages businesses, housing cooperatives, and community associations to embrace green technology by taking advantage of the "Ladda Bilen" grant from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Green Technology Deduction from the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket).

By January 1st, 2025, property owners with non-residential properties having at least 20 parking spaces must comply with the new regulations for electric vehicle charging set by the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building, and Planning (Boverket). These regulations mandate the presence of at least one electric vehicle charging point on-site. For those interested in going beyond compliance, there is an opportunity to apply for grants to cover parts of the installation costs. Learn more here.

For Businesses, Housing Cooperatives, and Community Associations
The "Ladda Bilen" grant offers businesses, housing cooperatives, and community associations the opportunity to install charging stations for electric vehicles intended for residents or employees. The grant covers up to 50% of the costs, with a maximum amount of SEK 15,000 per charging point. Learn more here.

Klimatklivet – Investment Support for Public Charging Stations
Investment support for public charging stations is available through Klimatklivet. It is possible to receive up to 50% of the investment cost in support. Learn more here.

For Organizations, Municipalities, and Foundations
Organizations, municipalities, and foundations can apply for grants to install electric vehicle chargers for employee use. The grant is a one-time amount covering up to 50% of eligible costs, with a maximum of SEK 15,000 per charging point. Learn more here.

For Individuals, Green Technology Deduction
Green technology, also known as the Green Technology Deduction, offers individuals the opportunity to invest in sustainable charging solutions like charging stations. This tax deduction covers up to 50% of the labor costs for the installation of charging infrastructure, saving up to SEK 15,000—an significant economic advantage for those striving for a sustainable future. Learn more here.

Calculate your tax here.

Zpark Duo - Profitable Investments in Green Technology
Zpark Duo M-series and T-series from Zpark Energy Systems offer advanced and reliable charging technology. These devices enable seamless charging and heating in one. Businesses and housing cooperatives can benefit from green grants by investing in Zpark Duo, creating an economically advantageous deal while promoting a sustainable future.

For more information, visit the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's website or contact Zpark Energy Systems for personalized advice. Visit our website and fill out an declaration of interest, and we will get back to you.

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Tech Invest North Group har investerat i unga innovativa teknikföretag sedan 2019 och har idag anställda i Sverige och Kalifornien, USA. Koncernen består av fem dotterbolag som alla arbetar på olika sätt för att påskynda den gröna omställningen. Grepit fokuserar på teknikkonsultation och inbyggda system, Zpark på e-mobilitet och laddningslösningar, Lasercom på laserskärning, Innovative Living på smarta bostäder och Netcoil på molnlösningar.

Tech Invest North Group has been investing in young innovative technology companies since 2019, and has today employees in Sweden and California, USA. The Group consists of five subsidiaries all working in different ways to accelerate the green transition. Grepit focuses on technology consulting and embedded systems, Zpark Energy Systems on e-mobility and charging solutions, Lasercom on laser cutting, Innovative Living on smart housing, and Netcoil on cloud computing.


Jessica Bäckman

Jessica Bäckman

Press contact Marketing & Communication Manager

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Welcome to Tech Invest North Group!

Tech Invest North Group har investerat i unga innovativa teknikföretag sedan 2019 och har idag anställda runt om i Sverige och Kalifornien, USA. Koncernen består av fem dotterbolag som alla arbetar på olika sätt för att påskynda den gröna omställningen. Grepit fokuserar på teknikkonsultation och inbyggda system, Zpark på e-mobilitet och laddningslösningar, Lasercom på laserskärning, Innovative Living på smarta bostäder och Netcoil på molnlösningar.

Tech Invest North Group has been investing in young innovative technology companies since 2019, and has today employees in Sweden and California, USA. The Group consists of five subsidiaries all working in different ways to accelerate the green transition. Grepit focuses on technology consulting and embedded systems, Zpark Energy Systems on e-mobility and charging solutions, Lasercom on laser cutting, Innovative Living on smart housing, and Netcoil on cloud computing.