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Charging an electric truck from North of Sweden's fastest charging station for heavy transports. Photo: Mats Engfors (Fotographic)
Charging an electric truck from North of Sweden's fastest charging station for heavy transports. Photo: Mats Engfors (Fotographic)

Press release -

Zpark in collaboration with Einride, Chalmers and RISE regarding sustainable energy storage

Zpark Energy Systems proudly announces a groundbreaking collaboration with Einride, Chalmers University of Technology and RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden). This partnership aims to explore new circular business models for electric vehicles and charging solutions. The project, with support from FFI (Vehicle Strategic Research & Innovation), has been ongoing since Q3 2022 and extends to the beginning of 2025.

End-of-life batteries for sustainable energy
The project focuses on investigating the use of spent batteries from electric vehicles as stationary energy storage systems to charge heavy electric trucks.

- We are very happy to participate in this project and look forward to exploring new circular solutions together with Einride, Chalmers and RISE. Our ambition is to improve the cost-effectiveness of an electrified transport system and at the same time reduce the load on the electricity grid by giving used vehicle batteries a second chance, Ellinor Eriksson says, project coordinator at Zpark Energy Systems.

Towards a sustainable transport sector
With the transport sector as a significant source of climate emissions in Sweden, increased circularity is crucial to achieving the climate goals. The project will be implemented in three phases, where Zpark will build a full-scale stationary battery charging station powered by second-life LFP batteries.

-Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at Einride, and we are happy to be part of this collaboration that highlights the life cycle of batteries in our vehicles. The project is in line with our work to increase the efficiency and reduce the costs of electric freight mobility, Andreas Allström says, Director of public funding and research collaboration at Einride.

Chalmers University of Technology are looking forward to contributing to research on the electrification of the transport system and the handling of degraded vehicle batteries, Patricia van Loon says, docent at Chalmers. The project is co-financed by FFI and has been ongoing since Q3 2022 and is expected to be completed in early 2025.

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Tech Invest North Group har investerat i unga innovativa teknikföretag sedan 2019 och har idag anställda i Sverige och Kalifornien, USA. Koncernen består av fem dotterbolag som alla arbetar på olika sätt för att påskynda den gröna omställningen. Grepit fokuserar på teknikkonsultation och inbyggda system, Zpark på e-mobilitet och laddningslösningar, Lasercom på laserskärning, Innovative Living på smarta bostäder och Netcoil på molnlösningar.

Tech Invest North Group has been investing in young innovative technology companies since 2019, and has today employees in Sweden and California, USA. The Group consists of five subsidiaries all working in different ways to accelerate the green transition. Grepit focuses on technology consulting and embedded systems, Zpark Energy Systems on e-mobility and charging solutions, Lasercom on laser cutting, Innovative Living on smart housing, and Netcoil on cloud computing.


Jessica Bäckman

Jessica Bäckman

Press contact Marketing & Communication Manager

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Welcome to Tech Invest North Group!

Tech Invest North Group har investerat i unga innovativa teknikföretag sedan 2019 och har idag anställda runt om i Sverige och Kalifornien, USA. Koncernen består av fem dotterbolag som alla arbetar på olika sätt för att påskynda den gröna omställningen. Grepit fokuserar på teknikkonsultation och inbyggda system, Zpark på e-mobilitet och laddningslösningar, Lasercom på laserskärning, Innovative Living på smarta bostäder och Netcoil på molnlösningar.

Tech Invest North Group has been investing in young innovative technology companies since 2019, and has today employees in Sweden and California, USA. The Group consists of five subsidiaries all working in different ways to accelerate the green transition. Grepit focuses on technology consulting and embedded systems, Zpark Energy Systems on e-mobility and charging solutions, Lasercom on laser cutting, Innovative Living on smart housing, and Netcoil on cloud computing.