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Quick and buffer container build on fast chargers (DC) and energy storage. Photo: Skoogs Bränsle.
Quick and buffer container build on fast chargers (DC) and energy storage. Photo: Skoogs Bränsle.

Press release -

Zpark Energy System and Skoogs Bränsle are building North of Sweden's fastest public station

Zpark Energy Systems in cooperation with Skoogs Bränsle is building North of Sweden's fastest charging station with its own energy storage to meet the challenges of the heavy transport sector.

Skoogs Bränsle, a leading fuel player in the transport industry in North of Sweden, proudly announces that they are building North of Sweden's fastest public and most complete charging station for heavy traffic. This ground-breaking venture will be located in Piteå (Öjebyn) and is a collaboration with Zpark Energy Systems. The new charging station with its own energy storage will revolutionize the possibilities for heavy vehicles to charge quickly and efficiently in North of Sweden. With this investment, Skoogs takes a significant step in its green transition under the motto "We do what we can".

- We are very proud to be able to present North of Sweden's fastest and most complete charging station for heavy traffic, Quick & Buffer. We always strive to be at the forefront when it comes to sustainability and the green transition. This charging station will be a key factor in enabling a more sustainable heavy traffic infrastructure in the region, owner Roland Skoog says.

- The investment shows two good examples of courage and faith in the future in northern Sweden. Battery systems and chargers are technology leaders, developed in Luleå and manufactured in Haparanda. The investment enables and leads the transformation of a traditional industry. We are very humbled by the trust Skoog has given us to participate in their investment, Jimmy Abrahamsson, CEO of Zpark Energy Systems AB says.

-Skoog's heavy traffic charging station will not only offer fast charging, but also a wide range of payment options to make it as smooth as possible for users. Payments can be made with regular payment cards or Skoog's own tank cards, which provides flexibility and convenience for all customers. The charging station will of course also be open to private individuals, Andreas Lundqvist says.

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Tech Invest North Group har investerat i unga innovativa teknikföretag sedan 2019 och har idag 70+ anställda runt om i Sverige och Kalifornien, USA. Koncernen består av fem dotterbolag som alla arbetar på olika sätt för att påskynda den gröna omställningen. Grepit fokuserar på teknikkonsultation och inbyggda system, Zpark på e-mobilitet och laddningslösningar, Lasercom på laserskärning, Innovative Living på smarta bostäder och Netcoil på molnlösningar.

Tech Invest North Group has been investing in young innovative technology companies since 2019, and has today 70+ employees around Sweden and California, USA. The Group consists of five subsidiaries all working in different ways to accelerate the green transition. Grepit focuses on technology consulting and embedded systems, Zpark Energy Systems on e-mobility and charging solutions, Lasercom on laser cutting, Innovative Living on smart housing, and Netcoil on cloud computing.


Jessica Bäckman

Jessica Bäckman

Press contact Marketing & Communication Manager

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Welcome to Tech Invest North Group!

Tech Invest North Group har investerat i unga innovativa teknikföretag sedan 2019 och har idag anställda runt om i Sverige och Kalifornien, USA. Koncernen består av fem dotterbolag som alla arbetar på olika sätt för att påskynda den gröna omställningen. Grepit fokuserar på teknikkonsultation och inbyggda system, Zpark på e-mobilitet och laddningslösningar, Lasercom på laserskärning, Innovative Living på smarta bostäder och Netcoil på molnlösningar.

Tech Invest North Group has been investing in young innovative technology companies since 2019, and has today employees in Sweden and California, USA. The Group consists of five subsidiaries all working in different ways to accelerate the green transition. Grepit focuses on technology consulting and embedded systems, Zpark Energy Systems on e-mobility and charging solutions, Lasercom on laser cutting, Innovative Living on smart housing, and Netcoil on cloud computing.