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GemPen Diamond Screener
GemPen Diamond Screener

Press release -

Grepit highlights the GemPen Diamond Screener project

Grepit AB, a high-tech development firm known for its innovative technology solutions, is proud to present the GemPen Diamond Screener project. This project, which started in 2017, shows Grepit’s commitment to advanced technology.

Since its founding in 2014 as a spin-off from Luleå University of Technology, Grepit AB has transformed from a one-person startup into a leading high-tech development company. The company's growth has been fueled by its forward-thinking approach and commitment to technological excellence.

GemPen Diamond Screener: A milestone project
In 2017, Grepit embarked on the GemPen Diamond Screener project in collaboration with Per Lindgren, an embedded systems professor at Luleå University of Technology. This project uses embedded Rust technology to create a new diamond screening tool. The GemPen Diamond Screener project showcasing the company's skill in developing advanced solutions.

This tool is designed for the gemology industry, using embedded Rust technology to provide efficient and reliable diamond screening. The GemPen Diamond Screener highlights Grepit’s ability to create effective solutions for jewelers and gemologists around the world.

Expanding expertise and growth
Over the years, Grepit has continuously developed to meet the changing technology landscape. From having focused on projects like the GemPen Diamond Screener and other embedded systems, the company broadened its focus in 2021 to complete product development. This change has enabled Grepit to expand its skills and take on a wider range of technical challenges.

For more information or to take your company to the next level with product development, reach out to us at Grepit to schedule a meeting: Contact us | Grepit

About Grepit AB
Grepit AB, a proud member of the Tech Invest North group, is a technology development firm founded in 2014. With a diverse range of expertise, Grepit is at the forefront of creating innovative solutions that inspire change. The company’s dedicated team, in Sweden and abroad, is primed for continued success and growth. Read more: Grepit | put geek into action

About GemPen Diamond Screener
The GemPen Diamond Screener is a groundbreaking tool designed for the gemology industry. Utilizing advanced embedded Rust technology, it offers efficient and reliable diamond screening solutions, empowering jewelers and gemologists to ensure the authenticity and quality of their gemstones.
Read more: Gemometrics - Diamond Verification Instrument - Screen every diamond.

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Tech Invest North Group har investerat i unga innovativa teknikföretag sedan 2019 och har idag anställda i Sverige och Kalifornien, USA. Koncernen består av fem dotterbolag som alla arbetar på olika sätt för att påskynda den gröna omställningen. Grepit fokuserar på teknikkonsultation och inbyggda system, Zpark på e-mobilitet och laddningslösningar, Lasercom på laserskärning, Innovative Living på smarta bostäder och Netcoil på molnlösningar.

Tech Invest North Group has been investing in young innovative technology companies since 2019, and has today employees in Sweden and California, USA. The Group consists of five subsidiaries all working in different ways to accelerate the green transition. Grepit focuses on technology consulting and embedded systems, Zpark Energy Systems on e-mobility and charging solutions, Lasercom on laser cutting, Innovative Living on smart housing, and Netcoil on cloud computing.


Jessica Bäckman

Jessica Bäckman

Press contact Marketing & Communication Manager

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Welcome to Tech Invest North Group!

Tech Invest North Group har investerat i unga innovativa teknikföretag sedan 2019 och har idag anställda runt om i Sverige och Kalifornien, USA. Koncernen består av fem dotterbolag som alla arbetar på olika sätt för att påskynda den gröna omställningen. Grepit fokuserar på teknikkonsultation och inbyggda system, Zpark på e-mobilitet och laddningslösningar, NEWEL på installation, Lasercom på laserskärning, Innovative Living på smarta bostäder och Netcoil på molnlösningar.

Tech Invest North Group has been investing in young innovative technology companies since 2019, and has today employees in Sweden and California, USA. The Group consists of five subsidiaries all working in different ways to accelerate the green transition. Grepit focuses on technology consulting and embedded systems, Zpark Energy Systems on e-mobility and charging solutions, NEWEL at installations, Lasercom on laser cutting, Innovative Living on smart housing, and Netcoil on cloud computing.