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Grepit AB. Photo: Mats Engfors (fotographic)
Grepit AB. Photo: Mats Engfors (fotographic)

Press release -

Grepit: Driving innovation in EV charging with Zpark Energy Systems

Grepit AB, a leader in embedded systems and product development is proud to announce its pivotal role in Zpark Energy Systems' success in the EV charging industry. Through strategic collaboration, Grepit has developed essential components for Zpark's chargers, driving significant advancements in EV technology.

Grepit and Zpark are sister companies under the Tech Invest North group, with headquarters in Luleå. Since 2017, the group has been actively investing in young and innovative companies, promoting growth and development within the technology sector. Zpark Energy Systems has quickly established itself as a key player in the electric vehicle industry, where Grepit's technological expertise is an important part of its success.

Grepit's deep understanding of embedded systems and product development has enabled the seamless integration of advanced functionalities within Zpark chargers, resulting in groundbreaking products like the Zpark Duo, which combines heating and charging in the same unit and led to Zpark becoming its own company in 2021. Additionally, Grepit was behind the technology of the latest reveal of the Zpark Quick and Buffer, a product that combines quick charging with a integrated battery buffer system that set a new step in the green transition.

- We are happy to be a key player in Zpark Energy Systems' success story in the EV industry. Our close collaboration means that we have full control over the entire process from idea to design of new products, where we use of our in-house technical expertise. This for example includes the construction of the internal components of Zpark chargers, which sets new standards for efficiency and performance, Hanna Kristensson says, Manager Grepit West.

As global demand for electric vehicles continues to increase, the collaboration between Grepit and Zpark Energy Systems remains critical to driving the societal transformation. Together, they are shaping the future of sustainable transportation and advancing the adoption of electric vehicles on a global level.

For more information, contact us: Contact us | Grepit.
Interested in Zpark's charging solutions:
Contact us | Zpark.

About Grepit:
Grepit AB, a proud member of the Tech Invest North group, is a technology development firm founded in 2014. With a diverse range of expertise, Grepit is at the forefront of creating innovative solutions that inspire change. The company's dedicated team, in Sweden and abroad, is primed for continued success and growth. Visit our website at for more information.

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Tech Invest North Group har investerat i unga innovativa teknikföretag sedan 2019 och har idag anställda i Sverige och Kalifornien, USA. Koncernen består av fem dotterbolag som alla arbetar på olika sätt för att påskynda den gröna omställningen. Grepit fokuserar på teknikkonsultation och inbyggda system, Zpark på e-mobilitet och laddningslösningar, Lasercom på laserskärning, Innovative Living på smarta bostäder och Netcoil på molnlösningar.

Tech Invest North Group has been investing in young innovative technology companies since 2019, and has today employees in Sweden and California, USA. The Group consists of five subsidiaries all working in different ways to accelerate the green transition. Grepit focuses on technology consulting and embedded systems, Zpark Energy Systems on e-mobility and charging solutions, Lasercom on laser cutting, Innovative Living on smart housing, and Netcoil on cloud computing.


Jessica Bäckman

Jessica Bäckman

Press contact Marketing & Communication Manager

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Tech Invest North Group har investerat i unga innovativa teknikföretag sedan 2019 och har idag anställda runt om i Sverige och Kalifornien, USA. Koncernen består av fem dotterbolag som alla arbetar på olika sätt för att påskynda den gröna omställningen. Grepit fokuserar på teknikkonsultation och inbyggda system, Zpark på e-mobilitet och laddningslösningar, Lasercom på laserskärning, Innovative Living på smarta bostäder och Netcoil på molnlösningar.

Tech Invest North Group has been investing in young innovative technology companies since 2019, and has today employees in Sweden and California, USA. The Group consists of five subsidiaries all working in different ways to accelerate the green transition. Grepit focuses on technology consulting and embedded systems, Zpark Energy Systems on e-mobility and charging solutions, Lasercom on laser cutting, Innovative Living on smart housing, and Netcoil on cloud computing.