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Kina och Taiwan undertecknar avsiktsförklaringar

Taiwans Financial Supervisory Commission meddelade den 16 november att de har undertecknat tre avsiktsförklaringar (MoU) med Kina som kommer att tillåta närmare samarbete gällande tillsyn av bank- och försäkringsväsen, samt värdepapper och terminer.

Avsiktsförklaringarna kommer att träda i kraft 60 dagar efter undertecknandet, eller tidigare om båda parter hinner bli klara med förberedelserna innan dess.

Taiwanesiska bolag kommer att kunna ansöka om att få öppna filialer i Kina efter att avsiktsförklaringarna träder i kraft. Kinesiska s.k. Qualified Domestic Insititutional Investors (QDII) kommer även att kunna investera på den taiwanesiska börsen. I dagsläget får de endast investera i stats- och företagsobligationer. Kinas QDII beräknas ha tillgångar på NT$370 miljarder (ca 80 miljarder svenska kronor).




Government Information Office

November 26, 2009


Taiwan and mainland China ink financial memorandums of understanding


The Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) announced November 16 that it had signed three memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with mainland China. These MOUs will allow for closer cooperation on supervision of the banking, insurance, and securities and futures sectors. FSC Chairman Sean Chen signed the agreements with the heads of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission and the China Securities Regulatory Commission, transferring the texts via document exchange. The MOUs will take effect 60 days from their signing date or prior to this if both sides have completed relevant preparations. In line with standard administrative procedure, the FSC will submit the pacts to the Executive Yuan.


Speaking to concerns on the part of domestic financial organizations about establishing branches in mainland China, the FSC disclosed that domestic firms will be eligible to submit applications to set up branches as soon as the MOUs become effective. The agreements will enable the commission to conduct effective supervision of mainland-based branches of domestic financial institutions.


Chairman Chen also pointed out that domestic banks currently running representative offices in the mainland will be able to apply to convert them into branches. During talks on an economic cooperation framework agreement, Taiwan will also negotiate for the most favorable market access terms for financial institutions to operate in mainland China. Another effect of the MOUs will be to permit mainland China’s qualified domestic institutional investors (QDII) to invest in Taiwan’s stock markets. This will be a change from the present situation where they may invest only in government and corporate bonds. Statistics show that the QDII currently have NT$370 billion (US$11.46 billion) in assets. Investment of 10 percent of this amount will bring NT$37 billion (US$1.15 billion) to Taiwan’s stock markets.



  • Ekonomi, finans


Lin Engdahl

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