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Kategorier: pressreleases in english

Reality Uncorked: New Swedwatch report highlights human rights issues in state-owned Systembolaget´s wine supply chain and calls for strengthened sustainability efforts

Reality Uncorked: New Swedwatch report highlights human rights issues in state-owned Systembolaget´s wine supply chain and calls for strengthened sustainability efforts

A new Swedwatch report, based on interviews conducted at four farms in the Western Cape in South Africa by Swedwatch's project partner ILRIG, reveals pressing human rights violations, including harassment and threats, and health issues resulting from pesticide exposure – and urges state-owned wine retailers such as Systembolaget to conduct heightened due diligence.

Photo Jessica Johansson, 2022: Firestone Liberia's rubber plantation, 50 km West of the capital Monrovia. Residents in the area depend on small-scale fishing and agriculture and reportedly are directly affected by pollution.

New president in Liberia – 10 % of the country’s land mass is conceded to a company from the UAE

Liberia's new president Joseph Boakai takes office this week after a historic peaceful election in November 2023. He wants to tackle corruption and review land concessions in the mining industry. At the same time, the company Blue Carbon LLC from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for huge forest land concessions for carbon credits in Africa, including i

New report on how companies impact the environment, women’s rights and social conflict in Liberia and Sierra Leone

Liberia and Sierra Leone have identified economic growth, sustainable management of natural resources and inclusion of women as central to peace and prosperity. Still, new research findings from Swedwatch show that business activities in land concession areas come with adverse impacts on human rights and the environment, contributing to conflict in already fragile settings.

Refugees from the oil war, Unity State, 2002. Foto: Sven Torfinn.

Lundin Energy: Swedwatch files complaints against Aker BP and Aker ASA for failing to comply with the OECD guidelines

Thousands of people whose human rights were impacted by the operations of Swedish oil company Lundin Energy could end up without remedy when the company sells its assets to Norwegian Aker BP. Today, Swedwatch and seven other NGOs file a complaint against Aker BP and its owner Aker ASA for failing to comply with the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises.

COP26 commitments welcomed but the outcome lacks substance in the most important areas

COP26 commitments welcomed but the outcome lacks substance in the most important areas

Denounced by many as one of the least inclusive in the history of climate negotiations, COP26 narrowly avoided failure by adapting the Glasgow Climate Pact at the very last minute. However, due to its several compromises, the most encouraging deals were those closed in parallel initiatives.
After nearly two weeks of negotiations, global leaders at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow managed

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For sustainable change

Swedwatch är en ideell och politiskt obunden researchorganisation. Vårt mål är att företag, investerare och stater ska ta ansvar för mänskliga rättigheter och miljö och att rättighetsinnehavare kan göra sina röster hörda.

Genom att uppmärksamma missförhållanden och skapa dialog mellan företag, beslutsfattare och civilsamhälle verkar vi för att skapa bestående och hållbara förändringar.


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