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FLEX II 20E can be mounted on very large tyres, which reduces rolling resistance as well as pulling and driving damage. PHOTO: SAMSON
FLEX II 20E can be mounted on very large tyres, which reduces rolling resistance as well as pulling and driving damage. PHOTO: SAMSON

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SAMSON: ​Two new generations of spreaders

SAMSON AGRO will be hosting the world premiere of two new spreaders at this year's Agritechnica exhibition in Hanover. The launch of these two new preview machines will be accompanied by the launch of two brand new control systems for spreaders.

One spreader, the US, is a brand new Universal Spreader series in a brand new design.

- The development department began right from the start with a blank piece of paper. The new spreader series brings SAMSON into the so-called "wide box" segment. The series includes four sizes from 28 to 40 cubic metres and is characterised by having a very strong construction and a high capacity with a low loading height. It tears up and spreads heavy and extremely compact material perfectly via a newly developed spreading table. The preview model that will be exhibited at Agritechnica is a US 340, the largest model in the series with three axles, which can hold 40 cubic metres of material, says Torben Larsen, Sales and Marketing Manager at SAMSON AGRO.

The second new spreader is a single-axle FLEX with a capacity of 20 cubic metres, the FLEX II 20E. This is based on the current FLEX spreader, but is equipped with a number of improvements requested by the SAMSON users. The FLEX II 20E can be supplied with new control and weighing systems, as well as very large wheels, so it is easier to pull and causes less stress on construction, soil compaction and crop damage.

The two new control systems, SpreadMaster 6500 and SpreadMaster 8500, are also introduced on an international exhibition for the first time in Hannover. The two new control systems will allow users to weigh and dose the spreading of material, so it meets the needs of all professional users. It is possible to collect spread data which can be used as documentation with regard to authorities or customers. SpreadMaster 6500 operates the carpet speed in proportion to the spreader, which provides a more precise dosage of the material. It can count spreading time, theoretical weight and the number of hectares. SpreadMaster 6500 can optionally be upgraded to perform volumetric dosing.

SpreadMaster 8500 is a more advanced control system and can perform all types of dosing/weighing systems: Volumetric, static or dynamic. It can also upload and dose according to application maps. It will then create its own map with the current precise dosage.

Big innovations in spreader technology

- SAMSON AGRO has introduced some big innovations in slurry tanker and implement technology in the recent years. It's now time to demonstrate our new spreaders and control systems, says Torben Larsen.

- We experience increased requirements on spreaders. Both in terms of capacity, handling of difficult materials and documentation of the dosage/spread with regard to authorities or customers. Our users or their customers have to document that current environmental legislation concerning the application of solid manure is complied. Also, our users want document the work that has been performed using the spreaders, when they invoice the customers. By choosing the new spreaders from SAMSON, you are guaranteed an optimal spreading and dosing of all types of materials in many years to come, says Thomas Rasmussen, Product Manager for spreaders at SAMSON AGRO.

Launched initially as preview machines

Both the US and FLEX II 20E will be launched as preview machines at Agritechnica. As will the SpreadMaster 8500. While the SpreadMaster 6500 will be released for sale.

- Even if these are still just preview machines/technology that are not yet released for sale, we want to show them to both our German and international customers. As a specialist in the application of natural fertilizers, it's important to show what we have planned for the future, explains Torben Larsen, and continues:

- So, if you are thinking of investing in new spreaders in the coming years it is a good idea to visit our stand in Hall 23, Stand A35. Our spreaders are characterized by very high quality, high capacity, high spreading precision and reliability, with increased efficiency, reduced maintenance and a higher resale value as a result.

Come and visit SAMSON

This year, SAMSON AGRO have a 600 m2 stand at Agritechnica. A large part of the space will be dedicated to innovations in spreader production.

- We will have staff on the stand who speak German, English, French, Russian and Danish, and we look forward to tell about the new spreaders and the control systems and weighing solutions, so our users can buy the perfect machine for spreading all types of different materials. Both with regard to achieving optimal utilisation of the nutrients in the material being spread, an increase in crop growth and hereby increased earnings. We have made a video showing how the US 340 spreader is produced on the SAMSON factory. The film will be shown continuously during the exhibition, he ends. 


Om Swedish Agro Machinery
Swedish Agro Machinery är ett svensk företag fokuserat på representation och import av CLAAS lantbruksmaskiner i Sverige. Företaget säljer även LEMKEN, HORSCH och AVR. Företaget är från och med den 1 november exklusiv svensk distributör av SAMSON. Swedish Agro Machinery är ett dotterbolag till Danish Agro-koncernen som består av en rad företag inom lantbruksbranschen i Danmark och andra länder.  

SAMSON är ett dansk maskinföretag. De tillverkar gödseltunnor, gödselspridare, gödselramper och nedmyllningsaggregat. Från och med den 1 november 2017 är Swedish Agro Machinery svensk generalagent och återförsäljare. 


Helena Wictorin

Presskontakt Marketing- & Kommunikationschef +46730947409

Förser svenskt lantbruk med maskiner, insatsvaror och foder

Swedish Agro är ett svenskt företag som förser lantbrukare med insatsvaror, foder och maskiner av högsta kvalitet. Företaget representerar CLAAS, HORSCH, METSJÖ, RAUCH, SPEARHEAD, SCANSTONE, AVR, AGXEED och DALBO i Sverige. Service och reservdelar finns mobilt och på 24 orter både via egna anläggningar och servicepartners. Med en av Europas modernaste foderfabriker tillverkas foder för flera djurslag. Swedish Agro är ett företag i Danish Agro-koncernen som består av en rad företag inom lantbruksbranschen i norra Europa.

Swedish Agro