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Sweden Green Building Council signs strategic business partnership with USGBC

The Sweden Green Building Council (SGBC) has formed a strategic business partnership with the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) to strengthen and advance its position as the face and voice of LEED in Sweden. This partnership, the first in Europe, will increase SGBC’s role in providing LEED education, knowledge, support and resources for the Swedish market as part of ongoing efforts to make LEED more relevant and accessible to users worldwide.

“We are excited for the opportunity to be a bigger part of LEED’s success here in Sweden”, said Bengt Wånggren, CEO of Sweden Green Building Council. “Not only will this allow us to better support our member companies, but we can be a more active force to build LEED’s reputation for quality and professionalism here and with our European partners.”

SGBC has worked hard to make LEED function better in the Swedish market, from guidance documents on district energy systems, Alternative Compliance Paths, to upcoming training sessions on LEED Version 4. The partnership with USGBC formally recognizes SGBC’s leadership and positions the organization to be leaders from a technical standpoint while providing an even greater level of LEED support to their member companies.

“The partnership agreement is a very positive development for SGBC and work with LEED in Sweden", said Anna Denell, Sustainability Director at Vasakronan, Sweden’s largest property management firm. “At Vasakronan, our goal is to certify 100% of our properties and we use LEED to a large degree to accomplish that goal. That SGBC has the resources to develop regional alternative compliance paths is important and much needed. We're also thrilled to hear that education will be offered in Swedish, given that the market is in need of more LEED expertise.”

Several GBCs worldwide are negotiating similar partnership agreements with USGBC in connection with greater coordination within the main hubs of Europe, Asia and South America.

“LEED is a global language that knows no boundaries,” said Rick Fedrizzi, president, CEO and founding chair of USGBC. “SGBC is a true leader and we greatly welcome this partnership as we both advance LEED as a key solution to creating significant global and local change through resource-efficient, cost-effective green buildings.”

For questions concerning the new partnership, please contact Sue Clark, LEED Manager at Sweden Green Building Council, sue.clark@sgbc.se, +46 725 45 27 37



About Sweden Green Building Council

Sweden Green Building Council is a non-profit organization owned by its members, open to all companies and organizations within the Swedish construction and real estate sector who wish to develop and influence of environmental and sustainability work in the industry.

In Sweden Green Building Council, we have created a common set of values from which we operate for the accelerated development through joint certification, with a focus on Swedish needs and values. Read more about us at www.sgbc.se

About the U.S. Green Building Council

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is committed to a prosperous and sustainable future through cost-efficient and energy-saving green buildings. USGBC works toward its mission of market transformation through its LEED green building program, robust educational offerings, a nationwide network of chapters and affiliates, the annual Greenbuild International Conference & Expo, the Center for Green Schools and advocacy in support of public policy that encourages and enables green buildings and communities. For more information, visit usgbc.org, explore the Green Building Information Gateway (GBIG) and connect on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn.

About LEED

The U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) green building certification system is the foremost program for the design, construction, maintenance and operations of green buildings. With 975 million gross square meters of building space participating in the suite of rating systems and a presence in over 140 countries and territories, LEED is transforming the way built environments are designed, constructed, and operated. Learn more at usgbc.org/LEED


Alexandra Kriss

Alexandra Kriss

Presskontakt Chef Kommunikation och Medlem Affärsutveckling och varumärkesfrågor 0735255722

Sweden Green Building Council är Sveriges ledande organisation för hållbart samhällsbyggande.

Sweden Green Building Council är Sveriges ledande organisation för hållbart samhällsbyggande. Våra medlemmar är företag och organisationer som vill utveckla och påverka bebyggelsen så att den blir mer hållbar. Tillsammans skapar vi bättre byggnader och platser som ger människor sunda miljöer att leva, arbeta och leka i.

Sweden Green Building Council

Långholmsgatan 34, 2tr
11733 Stockholm