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Head of delegation, Agneta Karlsson during a previous export trip with Swecare to Rwanda, 2015.
Head of delegation, Agneta Karlsson during a previous export trip with Swecare to Rwanda, 2015.

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Sweden & Rwanda to foster cooperation in healthcare

On November 8-9, Swedish health companies and public actors will travel to Rwanda to meet a large number of Rwandan authorities and potential clients in the Rwandan health sector. Head of delegation is Agneta Karlsson, Chairman of the Swecare board and Director General at The Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency (TLV).

- Rwanda has a history of strong economic growth and high rankings in the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Index. We look forward to further deepening our relationships within the Rwandan healthcare sector, as well as giving our members a unique opportunity to meet important key players and potential clients in the public and private healthcare sector, says Maria Helling, CEO at Swecare.

Many Swedish healthcare companies are curious about Rwanda's growth potential and the high level of ambition that opens up opportunities for Swedish know-how in the public and private healthcare sector. A major focus is on investments and the vaccination programs in the country.

- We are very much looking forward to being a part of this comprehensive trip that accelerates the launch in Africa, says Magdalena Tharaldsen, Director International Business Development for Calmark. During the visit to Kigali, we will also meet with potential local sub-distributors together with key people at VIA Global Health. This in itself means an important step forward in our collaboration.

The delegation trip is organized by Swecare foundation, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy of Sweden in Rwanda and the Embassy of Rwanda in Sweden. International delegation trips are part of Swecare's core business and this will be the fourth trip to Rwanda in eight years.

The official program include visits to:

  • Ministry of Health
  • Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC)
  • Rwanda Food and Drug Authority FDA
  • Rwanda Development Board
  • Rwanda Medical Supply
  • Study visits to hospitals
  • University of Rwanda

Participating public actors:

  • Ministry of Social Affairs
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Embassy of Sweden in Kigali, Rwanda
  • Embassy of Rwanda in Stockholm
  • Swecare foundation

Participating companies:

  • Arjo Africa
  • AstraZeneca
  • Calmark Sweden
  • City doctors Borås (CityLäkarna)
  • Getinge
  • Gynius Plus
  • International Vaccine Institute (IVI)
  • Sahlgrenska International Care
  • Scandinavian ChemoTech

Read Calmark Swedens pressrelease



Runt om i världen saknas jämlik tillgång till en god hälso- och sjukvård, vilket går ut över utveckling, tillväxt och människors livskvalitet.

Svenska produkter, tjänster och kunskaper är ofta världsledande och behövs för att förbättra människors hälsa.

Swecare hjälper den svenska life science-sektorn att stärka sina internationella relationer och att öka sin export.


Maria Helling

Maria Helling

Presskontakt VD +46 8 406 75 53

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Swecare skapar mötesplatser där den svenska life science-sektorn kan stärka sina internationella relationer. Vi vill bidra till ökad export av svenska produkter, tjänster och kunskaper inom hälsoområdet.