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Mats Årjes, International Ski Federation (FIS) Presidential candidate. Photo: Stina Stjernkvist/TT.
Mats Årjes, International Ski Federation (FIS) Presidential candidate. Photo: Stina Stjernkvist/TT.

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Mats Årjes pledges to build on best of FIS heritage through sustainable innovation

International Ski Federation (FIS) Presidential candidate, Mats Årjes, today published his manifesto, which sets out how he plans to work with the FIS family to fulfil his bold ambition for FIS to become the leading Olympic International Federation.

Mr Årjes was nominated as a Presidential candidate by the Swedish Ski Association and currently serves as FIS Vice President. If elected FIS President, his policy will be to work with the FIS family to build on the best of the federation’s heritage through sustainable innovation. Central to this is his promise to undertake the greatest review in the sport’s history to identify where further improvements can be made to achieve the sport’s enormous global potential.

Mr Årjes, who is also President of the Swedish Olympic Committee, said:

“It is an honour to stand as a candidate for the FIS Presidency and have the opportunity to outline my ambitions for the future of our great sport. We have a great heritage, but we must continue to move forward by innovating and demonstrating sustainable and long-term benefits for our National Associations, athletes, fans and all stakeholders. The world has been changed by the COVID-19 pandemic and we need to adapt to this new reality in order to safeguard our sport and ensure it fulfils its full potential.

“I believe strongly that the success of FIS will be achieved by drawing upon the huge pool of expertise and extensive experience that exists within our FIS family. This is why, if elected, I am proposing an immediate review and consultation process, which will identify where we can improve and what tangible action we should take.”

Key areas identified for review include:

  • Governance – implementing governance best practice, improving representation and gender equality, increasing transparency and strengthening the athlete voice
  • Stakeholder engagement – leveraging modern technologies and digital communications to maximise engagement, improving event formats, and engaging ski and snowboard destinations to improve access to the sport
  • Environment – identifying environmental solutions and developing best practice guidelines to be implemented at national level
  • FIS assets – identifying where additional investment in FIS assets is required, assessing coordination between FIS disciplines and undertaking a strategic commercial review

Mr Årjes is ideally positioned to lead FIS as he brings unparalleled experience across all levels of the sport. He has served as a FIS Council member since 2010 and is currently FIS Vice President; he was President of the Swedish Ski Association for 10 years and is current President of the Swedish National Olympic Committee; he also has an understanding of the business and commercial side of the sport having been Chief Executive and Board Member of SkiStar — one of the world’s leading snow-tourism, ski and snowboard resort businesses — for 17 years, as well as being the FIS Treasurer and Chairman of FIS Marketing AG.


Svenska Skidförbundet sprider snöglädje i hela landet genom våra 23 distrikt och cirka 1 300 föreningar. Vi har tio olika grenar: alpint, backhoppning, längdåkning, freeski, puckel, rullskidor, skicross, snowboard, speedski och telemark, det finns något för alla. Upptäck nyttan och glädjen med att aktivera dig på snö! Svenska Skidförbundet lever dagligen efter vår vision: Bäst i världen – alla på snö. Vårt huvudkontor finns i Falun och i Åre hittar du vårt alpina kontor. Vill du veta mer, besök skidor.com.

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Karin Mattsson

Karin Mattsson

Förbundsordförande/President +46 (0)70-600 37 22

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Bäst i världen – Alla på snö

Svenska Skidförbundet sprider snöglädje i hela landet genom våra 23 distrikt och cirka 1 300 föreningar.

Genom oss kan du utöva elva olika idrotter: alpint, backhoppning, freeski, grässkidåkning, längdåkning, puckel, rullskidor, skicross, snowboard, speedski och telemark. Huvudkontoret finns i Falun och i Åre finns vårt alpina kontor.

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Svenska Skidförbundet

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791 31 Falun