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Sketch of the SECC in 2025.
Sketch of the SECC in 2025.

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The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre raises the bar - architectural competition for fourth tower

The fourth tower at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre is moving closer to reality. A conceptual design competition is being launched today to find the firm of architects that will help visualise Gothenburg’s new meetings hub.

In June, the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Group received the go-ahead for their expansion plans, and they are now taking the next step. The project includes a new tower block and extension of the main entrance to the exhibition centre. The new building will also link directly to the new underground rail station at Korsvägen.

The project has been christened +One, in recognition that it will be an exciting addition to the three existing towers. The aim is to create a welcoming and inclusive meeting place that plays a natural part in the life of the city.

“We want residents and visitors from around the world to be greeted by the dynamic and inviting atmosphere that makes our meeting facilities special. The building should feel like a gateway to a vibrant, global meeting place. We want it to be exciting, embracing and international,” says Carin Kindbom, President and CEO of the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Group.

The final look of the new tower and entrance has not yet been decided, and a conceptual design competition is being launched today through Architects Sweden that will welcome entries from Swedish and international architects.

Architectural firms now have a month to submit their expressions of interest. Four or five firms will then be asked to compete for the final contract to assist in shaping the extension to the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre and the urban space around Korsvägen.

“The assessment team includes representatives from the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Foundation, the City of Gothenburg and Architects Sweden, and the selected entries will be announced in early January 2019,” says Joachim Hult, Real Estate Director at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Group. The winning proposal will then be announced in early June.

“We expect that +One will be taller than the existing three towers and will have a distinctive appearance. The aim is to come up with a design that enhances the appeal of the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre and adds new value to the city and Korsvägen,” says Carin Kindbom.

The new tower will provide around 400 hotel rooms, restaurants, meeting spaces and offices, and in combination with the new entrance will allow more visitors to be welcomed in the future. After completion the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Group will be able to offer around 1,600 hotel rooms.

Detail planning work for +One will commence in 2020 and the new building and main entrance are expected to be completed in 2025.

The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Group, of which Gothia Towers is a part, is owned by the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Foundation and has the mission of promoting industry. The Foundation is financially independent so has no owners or investors. All investments are made on the Foundation’s merits and all surplus is reinvested in the business. The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Group’s vision is to become Europe’s most attractive forum by offering the best overall experience.

The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre and Gothia Towers is Northern Europe's largest meeting place for overall experiences with a unique location in the middle of the event district in central Gothenburg.

Svenska Mässan Gothia Towers är norra Europas största mötesplats för helhetsupplevelser med ett unikt läge mitt i evenemangsområdet i centrala Göteborg. Mötesplatsen grundades 1918 och arrangerar och driver idag mässor, möten, hotell, restauranger och spa. Varje år välkomnas två miljoner besökare från hela världen att mötas, äta och bo hos oss. Mötesplatsen ägs av Svenska Mässan Stiftelse, en ekonomiskt fristående stiftelse utan ägare och investerare med uppdrag att främja näringslivet.
Läs mer på svenskamassan.se och svenskamassan.se/media

The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre and Gothia Towers is Northern Europe's largest meeting place for overall experiences with a unique location in the middle of the event district in central Gothenburg. The meeting place was founded in 1918 and today arranges and operates fairs, meetings, hotels, restaurants and spas. Every year, two million visitors from all over the world are welcomed to meet, eat and stay with us. The meeting place is owned by The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre Foundation, a financially independent foundation without owners and investors with the mission of promoting business.
Read more at en.svenskamassan.se

Svenska Mässan / Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Group

Mässans Gata/Korsvägen
412 94 Göteborg