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International jury to select winner of Nordic Architecture Fair Award

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International jury to select winner of Nordic Architecture Fair Award

This coming November, the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre will host the Nordic Architecture Fair, where a wide range of world-class Nordic architecture will compete for the Nordic Architecture Fair Award.
During the fair the winner of the Nordic Architecture Fair Award will be decided. A jury composed of three highly qualified professionals will review the entries before an audience.
"I think it’s going to be highly entertaining. It could even be quite dramatic at times," says Mark Isitt, Creative Director of the Nordic Architecture Fair and the man who initiated the competition.

What kind of society do we want for the future? And how will it work?

The above questions will provide the overall theme of the first ever Nordic Architecture Fair. The fair will take place 7-8 November at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, Gothenburg.

The competition forthe Nordic Architecture Fair Awardis open to all architects who have carried out a project in the Nordic countries between 1 October 2015 and 30 September 2017. The criteria for the entries are not restricted to architecture alone, i.e. to buildings and other structures, but also include landscaping, interior design and urban planning projects.

Unlike most competitions of this kind, it costs nothing to enter. But only one entry per agency may be entered, no matter how many employees and subordinate offices the agency has.

In order to ensure the jury’s independence and freedom from bias, it has been made up of three internationally active architects: Oana Bogdan, founder of Bogdan & van Broeck;Julien de Smedt, founder of JDS Architects; and Charles Renfro, partner in Diller Scofidio + Renfro, the agency behind many notable projects, including, the High Line in New York and the Broad Art Museum in Los Angeles.
"The standard of architecture in Nordic countries has been very high for a very long time, "said Charles Renfro. "I am particularly fascinated by the quality of multi-family housing, both in how they are integrated into urban development and the high quality of the architecture itself. It does not look like many other places in the world. I expect exciting innovations in both areas." says Charles Renfro.

The closing date for submitting competition entries is 1 October. The winner will be announced at a special event during the evening of 7 November.

The Nordic Architecture Fair Award is sponsored by Sätila Holding AB.

The Nordic Architecture Fair is the meeting place for getting up to speed on outstanding architecture and urban planning. The busy two-day event will see architects, town planners, landlords, property owners, developers and civil engineers coming together to discuss the kind of society we want for the future.

At the Nordic Architecture Fair you will meet some of the world's boldest architects and urban planners, people with the ability to bring about the ‘impossible’. The fair is just as much a meeting place as it is a conference and an exhibition. Some 100 exhibitors will be showing their offers at the event. And more than 100 speakers will be sharing their expertise during the various sessions of the comprehensive conference programme.


For questions, please contact:
Anki Fagerström, Business Manager, Nordic Architecture Fair, tfn 031-708 82 37.
E-mail: anki.fagerstrom@svenskamassan.se
Annika Persson, Business Developer, Svenska Mässan, tfn 031-708 80 43.
E-mail: annika.persson@svenskamassan.se




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Svenska Mässan Gothia Towers är norra Europas största mötesplats för helhetsupplevelser med ett unikt läge mitt i evenemangsområdet i centrala Göteborg. Mötesplatsen grundades 1918 och arrangerar och driver idag mässor, möten, hotell, restauranger och spa. Varje år välkomnas två miljoner besökare från hela världen att mötas, äta och bo hos oss. Mötesplatsen ägs av Svenska Mässan Stiftelse, en ekonomiskt fristående stiftelse utan ägare och investerare med uppdrag att främja näringslivet.
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The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre and Gothia Towers is Northern Europe's largest meeting place for overall experiences with a unique location in the middle of the event district in central Gothenburg. The meeting place was founded in 1918 and today arranges and operates fairs, meetings, hotels, restaurants and spas. Every year, two million visitors from all over the world are welcomed to meet, eat and stay with us. The meeting place is owned by The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre Foundation, a financially independent foundation without owners and investors with the mission of promoting business.
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