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Prominent speakers at the strategy conference Scanpack Summit in Gothenburg. (Photo: Scanpack)
Prominent speakers at the strategy conference Scanpack Summit in Gothenburg. (Photo: Scanpack)

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An impressive line-up at Scanpack Summit 2022

Scanpack Summit, which is a strategy-focused conference, makes its debut at this year's Scanpack. And now, Svenska Mässan announces the program - which is filled with prominent speakers. Scanpack Summit starts on October 4 and gathers top-level decision makers within both the packaging industry, academy and politics.

Scanpack Summit is now releasing its conference program, consisting of five main tracks with speakers and panel discussions.

The main tracks are:

  • Circular economy
  • EU and politics
  • Consumers and disruption
  • The future of packaging
  • End users

Scanpack Summit conference program >>

Within the tracks, we will meet experts with broad experience and global perspectives. 

– Scanpack Summit covers a wide range of packaging topics, from the circular economy to consumers and disruption. From future packaging to smart packaging. My expectation is that we can continue to support alignment and shared visions across the packaging industry, brands and consumers. In that way, we can tackle the biggest challenges of today and capture the best opportunities of tomorrow, says Mr. Armando Mariano, Rapporteur Expert for European Economic and Social Committee - Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive.

Large challanges ahead for the packaging industry

The packaging industry is facing large challenges as a result of the will and urgency to be sustainable. The whole industry is changing, and new solutions are required to enter the future with a sustainable ecosystem.

– Single-use packaging does not currently reflect the cost to the environment of our system as a whole, but looking at the legislative winds that are picking up, this is about to change. Doing business as usual will become expensive. Instead of sitting around waiting for new rules and regulations, let's get ahead of it and start innovating ourselves out of the problem. I hope that I can inspire the listeners at Scanpack Summit to dare to rethink products, business models, and packaging and see the business opportunity in going upstream, says keynote-speaker Annette Lendal, Co-founder Lab21st, and Co-author Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2020): Upstream Innovation.

New perspectives for change

Collaborations are vital to achieve the goals and meet the needs of today's and tomorrow's packaging industry. Scanpack Summit challenges our perspective and enables true change.

– New technology is the key to accelerate change. Not laws or regulations, but tech. I look forward to interacting with the audience and asking them questions. I want to really understand what they know. Because you need to understand the importance of how influential smart packaging truly is. If you think that packaging is just a wrap around a product, you need to work with something else. We are heading towards a certain phase in life where the box is smarter than its content, says Eef de Ferrante, Managing Director of AIPIA (Active and Intelligent Packaging Industry Association).

Anna-Lena Friberg is Business Manager at Svenska Mässan and emphasizes that broader perspectives as well as collaborations within the industry are vital.

– Scanpack Summit is an excellent opportunity to meet, discuss and get inspired. We are very glad that we have such prominent speakers with us. To enable change, we need to listen to each other but also work across areas. Within the program, we find great expertise and speakers with profound knowledge. We are really looking forward to Scanpack Summit and the outcome of it, says Anna-Lena Friberg, Business Manager at Svenska Mässan.


Anna-Lena Friberg, Business Manager at Scanpack
E: anna-lena.friberg@svenskamassan.se
P: +46 31-708 80 68

About Scanpack Summit

Scanpack Summit starts on October 4 and is a strategy focused one-day conference with an international outlook. It’s time for every stakeholder in packaging to step up, lead change and make a difference. At Scanpack Summit we take a broader perspective, elevate the discussion and share insights on the future role of packaging in a circular economy. Bright insights for better strategies.

Scanpack Summit is aimed at researchers, politicians and leading decision-makers in the packaging industry. The conference will be conducted in English and is part of Scanpack, northern Europe's most important trade show for the packaging industry. Further information about Scanpack Summit.

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Svenska Mässan Gothia Towers är en av Europas största integrerade mötesplatser med ett unikt cityläge i centrala Göteborg. Svenska Mässan Gothia Towers arrangerar och driver mässor, möten, hotell, restauranger, spa och en showarena. Varje år välkomnas drygt två miljoner besökare till mötesplatsen. Svenska Mässan Gothia Towers ägs av en privat, oberoende stiftelse, Svenska Mässan Stiftelse, som varje år genererar drygt 3,3 miljarder kronor i turistekonomiska effekter.

The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Group is one of Europe’s largest fully integrated meeting placeswith a unique city-centre location. The Group creates and hosts exhibitions, events, hotels, restaurants, spaand a theatre – everything under one roof. Around 2 million people are annually welcomed to the meetingplace. The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Group is owned by a private, independent foundation;The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Foundation, that generates over 3,3 billion SEK in tourism industryrevenue yearly.


Lisa Moll Börjesson

Lisa Moll Börjesson

Brand manager PR, kommunikation, marknadsföring 0703-41 17 16

The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre and Gothia Towers is Northern Europe's largest meeting place for overall experiences with a unique location in the middle of the event district in central Gothenburg.

Svenska Mässan Gothia Towers är norra Europas största mötesplats för helhetsupplevelser med ett unikt läge mitt i evenemangsområdet i centrala Göteborg. Mötesplatsen grundades 1918 och arrangerar och driver idag mässor, möten, hotell, restauranger och spa. Varje år välkomnas två miljoner besökare från hela världen att mötas, äta och bo hos oss. Mötesplatsen ägs av Svenska Mässan Stiftelse, en ekonomiskt fristående stiftelse utan ägare och investerare med uppdrag att främja näringslivet.
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The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre and Gothia Towers is Northern Europe's largest meeting place for overall experiences with a unique location in the middle of the event district in central Gothenburg. The meeting place was founded in 1918 and today arranges and operates fairs, meetings, hotels, restaurants and spas. Every year, two million visitors from all over the world are welcomed to meet, eat and stay with us. The meeting place is owned by The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre Foundation, a financially independent foundation without owners and investors with the mission of promoting business.
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Svenska Mässan / Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Group

Mässans Gata/Korsvägen
412 94 Göteborg