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Berzelius symposium 106: Rehabilitation of post covid-19 condition – an update of knowledge

Berzelius symposium 106: Rehabilitation of post covid-19 condition – an update of knowledge

Tid 13 Januari 2023 08:30 – 17:00

Plats The Swedish Society of Medicine or Zoom, Klara Östra Kyrkogata 10, Stockholm, Sweden or Zoom.

Welcome to Berzelius Symposium 106: "Rehabilitation of post covid-19 condition – an update of knowledge", 13th of January 2023 at The Swedish Society of Medicine, Klara Östra Kyrkogata 10, Stockholm or Zoom.

Berzelius Symposium 106 is organized by the Swedish Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in cooperation with Karolinska Institutet and the Swedish Society of Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden.

This hybrid symposium is organized to increase our understanding in physical and rehabilitation medicine for clinicians and other health care workers who meet patients with persistent symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection; the so-called post COVID-19 condition.

The World Health Organization appreciates that almost 10% of people might develop symptoms negatively affecting their daily life activities beyond 3 months following a SARS-CoV-2 infection. There is a huge need of scientific studies in physical and rehabilitation medicine to understand the management of disabling symptoms of the post COVID-19 condition.

This one-day symposium will contain a series of lectures by leading specialists and scientists in physical and rehabilitation medicine in Sweden and abroad, involved in rehabilitation of people suffering from post COVID-19 condition.

Policy makers and various stakeholder representatives will be invited as speakers or participants to the panel discussion which will be held at the end of the day. The symposium is a first-time scientific event in Sweden gathering clinical researchers and clinicians in the field of physical and rehabilitation medicine and inviting other health workers as well as decision-makers to share the existing knowledge in management of post COVID-19 condition.

Organizing and scientific committee
Indre Bileviciute-Ljungar, Stockholm, Kristian Borg, Stockholm and Richard Levi, Linköping, Sweden.

Last day to register: On January 2, 2023

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Jaana Logren Bergqvist

Jaana Logren Bergqvist

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef Svenska Läkaresällskapet 08-440 88 68

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101 35 Stockholm