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Berzelius Symposium 103: Immunity and autoimmunity in early childhood

Berzelius Symposium 103: Immunity and autoimmunity in early childhood

Tid 26 Maj 2021 – 28 Maj 2021

Plats Nobelforum, Nobels väg 1, Solna, Sweden.

Berzelius Symposium 103 is organized by the Swedish Society of Medicine in cooperation with The Journal of Internal Medicine and sponsored by The Healthy Baby Initiative of JANSSEN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT and Blueprint Genetics.

This meeting has been postponed to the 26th of may to the 28th of may 2021.

The symposium is organized to provide an in-depth review and discussion about the development of the immune response and autoimmunity in early childhood. The immune response in the first years of life will shape the function of the immune system during a life time. Monogenic diseases affecting the immune response will be discussed in relation to autoimmunity and novel treatments. The consequences of early infections, the development of the microbiome and virome will be discussed in relation to the function of the immune system in adulthood.

The symposium over two days will feature a series of lecture by leading scientists and invite younger investigators to present posters. The symposium is a first time initiative to discuss the shaping of the immune system in early childhood has consequences for the adult.


For press inquiries and credentials, please contact sophie.palmquist-klockhoff@sls.se




Jaana Logren Bergqvist

Jaana Logren Bergqvist

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