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Swedish Tyre Recycling Launches New Website

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Swedish Tyre Recycling Launches New Website

Since Swedish Tyre Recycling took over tyre recycling in Sweden on 1 January 2023, much has happened. New facilities have been built, IT systems for the collection of worn-out tyres have been implemented, showrooms have been established, artistic collaborations have been developed, and a completely new focus on creating value has begun to be realised. Updating the website was a natural step to communicate all these new and existing efforts.

"Our ambition was to find a balance between a website that stands out and feels unexpected for our industry, while also sparking curiosity and interest in visitors, regardless of their previous experience in the field. With a topic as extensive as tyre recycling, it was important to create a primary communication channel that conveys information clearly and simply, without compromising on aesthetics," says Frida Grunewald, Communications Manager at Swedish Tyre Recycling.

The new website provides the opportunity to learn more about tyre recycling both nationally and internationally, producer responsibility, tyre recycling facilities around Sweden, the material's properties and applications, how to submit worn-out producer responsibility tyres, environmental and sustainability work, design and art collaborations, and much more.

Please note that the website is currently in Swedish, but a translation will be considered in the autumn. In the meantime, we hope you will still take the time to navigate around the new site.

Discover more at www.sdab.se

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Frida Grunewald

Frida Grunewald

Presskontakt Kommunikationsansvarig +46706987900

Svensk Däckåtervinning AB

Svensk Däckåtervinning AB (SDAB) är sedan 1994 ett icke vinstutdelande kretsloppsföretag som utifrån det lagstadgade producentansvaret för däck organiserar insamling och återvinning av de ca 90,000 ton däck som årligen tjänas ut i Sverige. För att lyckas med hållbar hantering av våra däck har Svensk Däckåtervinning, med start 2023, tillsammans med lokala samarbetspartners etablerat en unik och världsledande återvinningsorganisation i syfte att öka materialåtervinningen, skapa utrymme för nya användningsområden och höja värdet av den återvunna däckråvaran. I det arbetet vill Svensk Däckåtervinning bidra med kunskap och nyfikenhet om återvunnet däckgummi och utveckla en återvinningsorganisation som inspirerar till skapande och kreativitet.

Svensk Däckåtervinning AB

Box 124
185 22 Vaxholm