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EuRIC reafirms its commitment to the objectives of the circular economy and calls upon the commission to support continued use of tyre-derived granular infill

Nyhet -

EuRIC reafirms its commitment to the objectives of the circular economy and calls upon the commission to support continued use of tyre-derived granular infill

Press release from EuRIC-ECHA BRUSSELS 

  • EuRIC warns about the questionable future of 527,000 tonnes of end-of-life tyres which may be annually incinerated, or worst stockpiled and illegally landfilled, if a ban on granular infill is adopted.
  • EuRIC demands that tyre recycling into infill for artificial turfs is regarded as a strategic objective of the new Circular Economy Package considering the substantial environmental benefits of this application
  • EuRIC reiterates that preserving a circular economy for tyre recycling into artificial turf infill can and must go hand in hand with reducing microplastics’ releases through standardized risk management measures.

The European Recycling Industries’ Confederation (EuRIC) representing the collective interests of the European mechanical end-of-life tyre (ELT) recycling industry, calls upon the Commission to strengthen its commitment to the Circular Economy.

With the release of ECHA´s opinions on infill materials, now it is up to the Commission to take a decision on what measures to follow as regards this application. EuRIC warns about the negative impacts that some of the options covered, including a complete ban, may have on the environment and on the objectives of speeding the transition towards a more circular economy. EuRIC has raised concerns over the future of 527,000 tonnes of end-of-life tyres annually recycled into artificial turfs, warning on the risks of them being mismanaged and causing a huge environmental impact in the event of a proposal to ban infill materials.

EuRIC Mechanical Tyre Recycling Branch (EuRIC MTR) has expressed its support to the objectives of the European Commission, and it is confident that preventing a mismanagement of waste tyres will be at the focal point of their decision when taking into consideration the different options proposed by ECHA. Especially, knowing that there are no alternatives for an environmental sound management of the aproximatelly 50,000,000 tyres units annually recycled and turned into infill material

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Frida Grunewald

Frida Grunewald

Presskontakt Kommunikationsansvarig +46706987900
Fredrik Ardefors

Fredrik Ardefors

Presskontakt VD +46704182560

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