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The rapid growth of biofuels in Sweden in recent years is mainly attributed to the increased use of hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) diesel, a renewable diesel made from different bio-based raw materials.
The rapid growth of biofuels in Sweden in recent years is mainly attributed to the increased use of hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) diesel, a renewable diesel made from different bio-based raw materials.

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Record third quarter sales of HVO in Sweden

Sales of HVO diesel increased by 24 percent during the third quarter compared with the corresponding period for 2016. Other transportation biofuels have not developed positively. Clean FAME diesel, known as B100, backed by 32 percent. Ethanol like E85 and ED95 decreased by 16 percent. The biggest increase, 111 percent, was for HVO100 noting a sales records in September according to preliminary figures from Statistics Sweden (SCB) analysed by the Swedish Bioenergy Association (Svebio).

For the first time ever over 50 000 m3 of a biofuel was sold in a single month. The record is now 52 592 m3 for HVO100 in September which is more than all ethanol, FAME diesel and biomethane combined. In addition, the HVO100 volume is now twice as big as all FAME and ten times larger than all B100.

In the third quarter of 2017, the renewable share of sold fuel was 20.1 percent on an energy basis, which is a record. For the year 2016, the share was 18.5 percent. For diesel delivered to the Swedish transport market, 26.4 percent was biodiesel in energy terms according to Svebio’s analysis of recent statistics from SCB.

HVO is manufactured from a variety of waste and residual products, such as tall oil from the forest industry and recycled vegetable and animal oils and fats. FAME consists almost exclusively of rapeseed diesel, RME, which is manufactured from rapeseed, an oilseed widely grown in Sweden and Europe as a rotation crop.

Biodiesel is sold both as pure biodiesel fuel, HVO100 and B100, and blended into fossil diesel. HVO100 is Sweden’s second largest biofuel after blended HVO. Many hauliers and bus companies have made major investments in biodiesel in recent years.

– The extensive use of HVO greatly reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from Swedish traffic. At the same time, high-blend ethanol and FAME have occasionally been taxed, which reduced sales. This tax will be removed at the turn of the year. It is important for Sweden to be able to move towards a fossil-free transport sector, a goal that our politicians hope to reach a bit after 2030, said Tomas Ekbom, Svebio’s fuel expert.

For vehicle gas, there were no major changes except that the proportion of fossil gas in the vehicle gas decreased sharply, 56 percent, and that vehicle gas now has a renewable biomethane share of over 90 percent.

– What we need now is further clarification about the long-term tax conditions for biofuels, so that we can start investments in increased Swedish production. We need to develop and demonstrate new technology to make biodiesel from other forest raw materials than tall oil, which is a limited resource, says Tomas Ekbom.

Sweden together with Finland leads Europe in introducing transportation biofuels. Most of the EU member states are far from the 2020 target of 10 percent renewable fuel in transport.

For more information, please contact Tomas Ekbom, tel +46 70-276 15 78



Svebio - Svenska Bioenergiföreningen - är branschorganisation för företag som arbetar med att framställa, hantera och använda olika typer av biobränslen. Svebios ändamål är att öka användningen av bioenergi på ett miljömässigt och ekonomiskt optimalt sätt. Svebio grundades 1980 och har cirka 300 företag som medlemmar. www.svebio.se


Anna Törner

Anna Törner

Presskontakt VD 070-298 69 36
Kjell Andersson

Kjell Andersson

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef information, näringspolitik 08-441 70 87
Tomas Ekbom

Tomas Ekbom

Presskontakt Programdirektör BioDriv, biodrivmedel, biooljor, bioraffinaderier 070 276 15 78
Anders Haaker

Anders Haaker

Presskontakt Chefredaktör Bioenergi 08-441 70 95
Johnny Kjellström

Johnny Kjellström

Presskontakt Näringspolitisk chef 072-148 28 70

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111 40 Stockholm