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Supplies of biofuels to the Swedish transportation market 2016 in TWh.
Supplies of biofuels to the Swedish transportation market 2016 in TWh.

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2016 a record year for biofuels in Sweden

Biofuels accounted for 18.6 percent of all fuel supplied to vehicles operating in Sweden in 2016 according to preliminary statistics from Statistics Sweden and compiled by the Swedish Bioenergy Association (Svebio).

Based on energy content, biofuels accounted for 18.6 percent of all fuel supplied to vehicles operating in Sweden in 2016. One in four litres of diesel was a renewable diesel, and the total of 17.2 TWh of biofuels was used according to preliminary statistics from Statistics Sweden and compiled by the Swedish Bioenergy Association (Svebio).

– These figures suggest that Sweden is the best in Europe when it comes to switch from fossil fuels to biofuels. Globally, it is probably only Brazil that has reached further than Sweden in the transition away from fossil fuels in transportation, said Gustav Melin, Managing Director of Svebio.

The rapid growth of biofuels in recent years is mainly attributed to the increased use of hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) diesel, a renewable diesel made from different bio-based raw materials. Sweden has also an extensive use of rapeseed-derived biodiesel (RME). The share of biomethane in the natural gas vehicle (NGV) fuel blend has increased, reaching a record 83 percent level in 2016. The use of ethanol has however decreased.

Further increase possible

– Despite the very high proportion of biofuels, Sweden has not taken advantage of all the opportunities. The taxation of ethanol and RME in recent years has held back the use of these fuels. We have yet to increase low-blend of ethanol in gasoline, from 5 to 10 percent, as the EU standard allows. So there are good opportunities to further increase the share of biofuels and reduce the climate impact from transport, said Tomas Ekbom, Biofuels Expert at Svebio.

He added that the share of fossil gasoline and diesel without any bio-components has also increased.

– It is unclear what is behind this trend, as there are no technical obstacles to hinder biofuels blending, said Ekbom.

For more information, contact Gustav Melin, Svebio, tel +46 70-5244400 or Tomas Ekbom, Svebio, tel +46 70-2761578.


Svebio - Svenska Bioenergiföreningen - är branschorganisation för företag som arbetar med att framställa, hantera och använda olika typer av biobränslen. Svebios ändamål är att öka användningen av bioenergi på ett miljömässigt och ekonomiskt optimalt sätt. Svebio grundades 1980 och har cirka 300 företag som medlemmar. www.svebio.se


Anna Törner

Anna Törner

Presskontakt VD 070-298 69 36
Kjell Andersson

Kjell Andersson

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef information, näringspolitik 08-441 70 87
Tomas Ekbom

Tomas Ekbom

Presskontakt Programdirektör BioDriv, biodrivmedel, biooljor, bioraffinaderier 070 276 15 78
Anders Haaker

Anders Haaker

Presskontakt Chefredaktör Bioenergi 08-441 70 95
Johnny Kjellström

Johnny Kjellström

Presskontakt Näringspolitisk chef 072-148 28 70

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Vi vill öka användningen av bioenergi

Svebio arbetar för att öka användningen av bioenergi på ett hållbart och ekonomiskt klokt sätt. Vi är en samlad kraft för företag och privatpersoner som tror på förnybar energi, företag och fri marknadsekonomi. Som medlem i Svebio blir du en del av ett nationellt och internationellt nätverk av människor som arbetar för att utveckla bioenergin.

Svebio, Svenska Bioenergiföreningen

Kammargatan 22
111 40 Stockholm