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Ämnen: Vatten/havsmiljö

The Swedish icebreaker Oden will set sail from Longyearbyen on Svalbard, on 7 May carrying 40 scientists from Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Germany, United Kingdom and USA, for a six-week research cruise in the Artic Ocean. Photo: Michael Tjernström

Researchers from Stockholm University to lead new expedition to study the arrival of summer in the Arctic

Changes in the Arctic sea ice due to global warming have created opportunities to reach previously inaccessible regions earlier than usual. Come early May, ten researchers from Stockholm University will board the Swedish icebreaker Oden in Longyearbyen on Svalbard, Norway, to participate in the international expedition ARTofMELT2023 (Atmospheric Rivers and the Onset of Sea Ice Melt 2023) led by St

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