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India meets 1960s Sweden in the Young Design Lounge at Formex

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India meets 1960s Sweden in the Young Design Lounge at Formex

This is the fifth time in a row that a young Swedish designer has been invited to design the Young Design Lounge at Formex. This spring the task has fallen to Karin Robling. Karin is creating a backdrop entitled "The glorious life of the Maharajah".

Karin Robling graduated from Beckmans College of Design in 2006. She works on product design, jewelry and set design. At Formex Karin is creating an environment in which the vivid colors and shapes of India combine with the simple graphic patterns of 1960s Sweden. Gold, gemstones and light and airy textiles teamed with cubes and 120-degree angles create a world where anything can happen.

New design expressions encounter each other and reality for the first time in the Young Designers section and in the Young Design Lounge. Unexpected encounters are where new worlds are created and new stories begin.

"The Lounge is a place where new and established traditions meet and anything can happen. I want visitors to be curious, surprised and attracted to new things while enjoying a calm and cozy environment," says Karin Robling.
Other designers who have designed the Lounge on previous occasions include Sebastian Kjersén, My Little Drama, Lisa Bengtsson, Jarl Ferneus and Fuldesign.

For more information, visit www.formex.se or contact Lotta Signeul, Press Officer, lotta.signeul@stockholmsmassan.se or telephone +46 (0)8-749 43 79.




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