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Stockholm Design Week

Stockholm Design Week

Tid 4 Februari 2019 08:00 – 10 Februari 2019 19:00

Plats Stockholm Design Week takes place in a variety of venues across the city from galleries and showrooms to dinner parties, after fair meetings, opening cocktails, museums and cultural institutions.

Stockholm Design Week takes place in a variety of venues across the city from galleries and showrooms to dinner parties, after fair meetings, opening cocktails, museums and cultural institutions. Business during the day at Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair and social gatherings in the city center with Stockholm Design Week. Everyone in anyway connected to, or interested in, Scandinavian design meet and thrive, leaving with new ideas, contacts and lots of inspiration.



Ronja Nyström

Ronja Nyström

Presskontakt PR- & Pressansvarig 070-789 42 86

Relaterade event

Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair

Tid 5 Februari 2019 – 9 Februari 2019

Stockholm Design Week

Stockholm Design Week

Tid 3 Februari 2020 – 9 Februari 2020

Plats Stockholm Design Week takes place in a variety of venues across the city from galleries and showrooms to dinner parties, after fair meetings, opening cocktails, museums and cultural institutions.

Nordens största mötesplats

Stockholmsmässan är Nordens största mäss- och kongressanläggning med 70 000 kvm utställningsyta. Årligen arrangerar vi branschledande mässor samt nationella och internationella konferenser och event. Mäss- och kongressanläggningen är certifierade enligt ISO 20121 – hållbarhet vid evenemang.


Mässvägen 1
125 80 Stockholm

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