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The Findor 100% Wool Field Jacket and Chair V.DE.01
The Findor 100% Wool Field Jacket and Chair V.DE.01

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Unique exhibition and seminars during Stockholm Design Week

Welcome to the exhibition ‘The Future is Local’, curated by the companies VERK and A NEW SWEDEN, February 7–11 in close collaboration with Stockholms Auktionsverk. The exhibition, which will take place during Stockholm Design Week, is about local production and takes an inspiring and transparent look at the process of VERK’s and A NEW SWEDEN’s completely sustainable products – from raw materials to finished products.

- “We have sold Baroque, Rococo and Gustavian while they were still contemporary. Since we ourselves don’t produce but convey long lasting fine art objects, we’ve always been driven by sustainability; climate thinking is part of our DNA. The better the material, the longer it lasts. From that perspective, it feels natural for us to be a part of this exhibition,” says Li Pamp, CEO of Stockholms Auktionsverk.

With the exhibition The Future is Local, VERK and A NEW SWEDEN aim to both educate and inspire, at the same time as they hope to make the concept of “Made in Sweden” stand for something really good again.

- “This is an excellent way to visualise and educate more people about what a Swedish production society can look like today. We must take care of the few Swedish companies we actually have in the processing industry and safeguard their existence,” says Simon Anund, who underscores the demand for locally produced products.

The exhibition highlights the participants involved, the producers of the raw materials: wool, leather, glass, wood and steel, as well as the craftspeople and manufacturers of the actual products.

Seminars with different themes based on local production will be held at Stockholms Auktionsverk, Nybrogatan 32, during three evenings Wednesday 9th – Friday 11th at 5 pm and will be moderated by Jonas Olsson, CEO of SVID, The Swedish Industrial Design Foundation.

Exhibition and seminars are open to public and free.

Photography: Nicho Södling

Product photography: Jonas Ingerstedt

Press photos: Click here!

For more information – please contact:

VERK – Lina Rocca, lina@verk.se, +46 70 332 33 52

A NEW SWEDEN - Lisa Bergstrand, lisa@anewsweden.com, +46 70 495 44 09

Companies participating in the exhibition:

Skyllberg Industri AB

Lasertech YAG


Bröderna Wigells Stolfabrik

Svenssson & Linnér

Stolfabriken i Tibro

Tärnsjö Garveri

Kallfeldts Läder AB

Swedish Wool Mattress Company

Svenskt Trä

Målerås Glasbruk


Stockholms Glasbruk

Väveriet i Bollnäs

Hälsinge såpa

Bio Gen Active




KG-List / Österbymo Hardwood

Biella the Wool Company

Pewter of Sweden

Vägen ut! Kajskjul 46

Fårägare som sålt ull

Sjuhäradbygdens Färgeri

Ljungskile Trikå

Malmö Industries

Hälsinge Linneväveri






Stockholms Auktionsverk är ett av Skandinaviens marknadsledande auktionshus och världens äldsta. Företaget grundades 1674. De stilepoker som kallas barock, rokoko och gustavianskt har sålts under sin samtid hos oss. Här kan ni som besökare finna det ni söker bland konst, möbler, smycken, silver, porslin, glas, mattor, böcker, vin och mycket annat från olika tidsepoker.


Frida Lagerblad

Frida Lagerblad

Presskontakt Presskontakt

Världens äldsta auktionshus

Stockholms Auktionsverk är världens äldsta auktionshus. Grundat år 1674 på initiativ av friherre Claes Rålamb, dåvarande överståthållare i Stockholm. I dag är Stockholms Auktionsverk norra Europas största auktionshus – ledande inom konst, design, konsthantverk, antikviteter och böcker. Med tio filialer i Sverige, Finland och Tyskland, över 60 erfarna och områdeskunniga specialister och mer än 800 000 registrerade köpare i 180 länder. Efter 350 verksamma år fortsätter man att med stor stolthet vara ett börsgolv för svensk och internationell kulturhistoria, i rollen som en ledande nordisk marknadsplats.

Stockholms Auktionsverk

Nybrogatan 32
102 46 Stockholm

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