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The Bachelor Programme in Circus at DOCH presents CLOSING ACTS 2016

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The Bachelor Programme in Circus at DOCH presents CLOSING ACTS 2016

Graduation show class of 2016

The emergence of contemporary circus is about to take Stockholm by storm

The 20 third year students from the graduating class of 2016 in the Bachelor Programme in circus at DOCH invite you to experience their “Closing Acts”, the final step before entering the professional arena and touring the world.

These graduates, led by an experienced pedagogical team from DOCH, are inviting you to discover two performances presenting a wide range of circus expression, harmonizing a variety of circus disciplines: teeterboard, juggling, vertical rope, trapeze, tight wire, Chinese pole as well as other spectacular circus skills. The live music is composed and performed by multi-instrumentalists Sebastian Printz and Conny Laxell.

With an innovative and contemporary approach, these graduates are on a mission to amaze us, to make us laugh but also touch us and make us think, exhibiting the innovative and contemporary approach that they have develop here with us which is the signature of our internationally acclaimed circus education here at DOCH. Our students and their visions will challenge the present and change the world.

PremiereOther performances
May 11Show AShow B
Show A 16.00 May 12 19.00May 13 19.00
Show B 19.00May 14 14.00May 14 19.00
May 15 14.00May 15 19.00
May 18 19.00May 18 14.00
May 20 19.00May 19 19.00
May 21 16.00May 21 13.00

Each show is about one hour and a half and is suited for a family audience.

Place: DOCH Circus Hall, Brinellvägen 34, Metro Tekniska Högskolan
More information on: www.doch.se/in-english

About the Bachelor Programme in Circus at DOCH, School of Dance and Circus/Stockholm University of the Arts

The circus education at DOCH offers knowledge about, and an understanding of, the many forms of expression in circus. It also initiates innovative processes in methods of working and of expressing oneself in close relationship to choreography and the performing arts. The education uses the skills and the artistic traditions as a foundation on which to build high level technical and artistic competences in new practices. Our graduates have joined productions of renowned companies such as Cirkus Cirkör, Cirque du Soleil, 7th fingers as well as touring with their own newly founded companies. Since 2010 our students have shined in prestigious circus festivals all around the world. DOCH and its students are celebrated with prizes and recognition for its high level performing of the skills, novelty, originality and humanistic approaches to the art of circus.

For press inquiries and tickets please contact:
Tove Hellkvist, Public Relations Manager
08 49 400 303

For general information about tickets and interviews please contact:
Gunilla Egevi, Coordinator

We offer special prices to schools and group of 50 and more.
To book a performance please contact:
Gustav Roth, Assisting Producer

For more info about the Bachelor Programme in Circus please contact:
Marie-Andrée Robitaille, Head of Programme

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En ledande internationell miljö för konstnärlig utbildning och forskning.

Stockholms konstnärliga högskola (SKH) utbildar och forskar inom cirkus, dans, danspedagogik, film och media, opera och teater. Högskolan har cirka 500 studenter och 200 medarbetare.

Stockholms konstnärliga högskola

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115 53 Stockholm