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New investors and new CEO to MoSync, former Mobile Sourcery

MoSync, the leading provider of mobile application tools for standardization today announces Dusyant Patel as new CEO for MoSync. At the same time MoSync announces that John Wattin and the former MySQL founder Michael "Monty" Widenius (via Open Ocean) and David Axmark has done an investment in MoSync AB.

“With a scalable and viral model that employs faster and better development, MoSync enables mobile applications for all platforms and totally changing the game” says Dusyant Patel, new CEO at MoSync, with more than 16 years of professional experience in telecommunications.

MoSync AB has since 2004 worked on MoSync, a revolutionary way to create mobile application to many mobile platforms and models from only one single code base. MoSync address the enormous problem with fragmentation in the world of Mobile application. MoSync makes it possible for every PC developer to go mobile in a fast and cost efficient way in the same way PC software are developed today.

" Mosync is the only solution that I have come across that can solve the development problem when you want to be able to easily deploy your solution on mobile devices. That Mosync is also free software makes it, in my mind, a clear winner.” says Michael "Monty" Widenius, investor in MoSync.

MoSync’s Open Source/Dual Licensing model provides a free Open Source license as well as commercial licenses offered with an annual subscription model. Subscriptions are available with different degrees of usage and support addressing the needs of market segments. MoSync aims to provide tools for development of applications on all major platforms such as Android, Iphones and Windows mobile.

For more information please contact
Dusyant Patel - CEO, MoSync at dusyant.patel@mosync.com or +46 763 41 42 12

About MoSync
MoSync makes any mobile application reachable for billions of people around the world. MoSync is a state of art technology that enables developers to publish any mobile application to a broad range of devices and platforms. MoSync provides a cross platform application that runs flawless on hundreds of mobile phones and handhelds, proven to radically cut development cost and time to market. MoSync is easy, fast and cost efficient - mobile development made easy. Please learn more at: www.mosync.com

MoSynC har tidigare fått industriellt stöd av affärsinkubatorn STING (Stockholm Innovation & Growth) och är ett av portföljbolagen i riskkapitalfonden STING Capital.



STING (Stockholm Innovation & Growth AB) är ett helägt dotterbolag till stiftelsen Electrum - en samverkan mellan näringsliv, forskning och Stockholms stad. STING har visionen att vara en affärsinkubator i världsklass; det självklara förstahandsvalet för entreprenörer som vill bygga framtidens teknikbaserade exportföretag. STING erbjuder industriellt stöd och riskkapital till nystartade teknikbolag inom ICT, Internet/media, Medtech och Cleantech.

För mer information: www.stockholminnovation.com


Krim Talia

Krim Talia

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Sting – utnämnd till världens bästa inkubator och accelerator 2021 – hjälper entreprenörer att utveckla sina affärsidéer till framgångsrika, internationella tillväxtföretag i världsklass. Det görs genom att erbjuda inkubator- och accelerator-program där affärsutvecklingsstöd och hjälp med rekrytering, finansiering och nätverk ingår.

Sedan starten 2002 har Sting hjälpt 400+ startups och 70 procent av bolagen utvecklas och växer än idag. Under 2022 samlade Sting-bolagen in totalt 1,4 miljarder kronor i privat kapital och sysselsatte 3200 människor. Sting är medgrundare till SUP46, THINGS, Ignite Sweden, Sweden Sustaintech Venture Day, Luminar Ventures och Propel Capital.

Några framgångsrika Sting-bolag är Yubico, Sellpy, Airmee, Surfcleaner, Midsummer, Worldfavor, Skrym och Karma.

Sting (Stockholm Innovation & Growth)

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114 26 Stockholm