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Foto: David Brohede.
Foto: David Brohede.

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New exhibition at the Swedish Air Force Museum on the early development of the air force

On June 17th, "Airborne – The Swedish Air Force emerges" will open at the Swedish Air Force Museum in Linköping, Sweden. The exhibition provides a fascinating insight into the development of the Swedish military aviation during the first half of the 20th century and takes visitors on a journey through the most dangerous era in Swedish aviation history.

In the major effort called "Airborne – The Swedish Air Force emerges", visitors will get up close to world-unique aircraft and learn about exciting stories from aviation pioneers and historical events where aircraft have played a decisive role.

"This is the Swedish Air Force Museum's largest new exhibition in over ten years. We want to showcase the history of the aviation pioneers who contributed to the development of the Swedish Air Force and who sometimes had to take great risks in their work," says Noomi Eriksson, museum director at the Swedish Air Force Museum.

The museum visit is enhanced by interactive experiences and videos. Portraits of individuals are an important part of the new exhibition, covering a variety of characters – both well-known aviation personalities and relatively unknown life stories. A long-awaited addition is the inclusion of women in aviation history.

"This is not just an impressive exhibition that we hope will appeal even to those without much prior knowledge. The changing world and the serious security situation in Sweden make the subjects of The National Swedish Museums of Military History´s and the Swedish Air Force Museum more urgent and relevant than ever before, and we want to contribute to creating more knowledge among our visitors about our common, vital history," says Noomi Eriksson.

Parts of the Air Force Museum have been closed since the summer of 2020 while the building has been undergoing renovations and the new exhibition has taken shape in several of the large aircraft hangars. Starting from June 17th, the entire museum will be open again. "Airborne – The Swedish Air Force emerges" is a permanent exhibition, which means it will remain in place for at least ten years.

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Statens försvarshistoriska museer, SFHM, har till uppgift att främja kunskapen om det svenska
försvaret genom tiderna och om försvarets roll i samhällsutvecklingen. SFHM ska också skapa möjligheter till reflektion om händelser i samtiden genom ett historiskt perspektiv, om hur krig påverkar, och har påverkats, människor och samhället. Kort och gott - livsviktig historia.


Sara Krüger

Sara Krüger

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef 08-519 563 63

Statens försvarshistoriska museer, med Armémuseum och Flygvapenmuseum

Statens försvarshistoriska museer är en statlig myndighet vars uppdrag är att öka kunskapen om det svenska försvaret genom tiderna och om dess roll i samhällsutvecklingen. Till oss tillhör Armémuseum i Stockholm och Flygvapenmuseum i Linköping samt försvarets traditionsnämnd.

Statens försvarshistoriska museer

Riddargatan 13
114 51 Stockholm