Jellyfish inspire tomorrow's shipping. Global Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics to Gothenburg

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Jellyfish inspire tomorrow's shipping. Global Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics to Gothenburg

More than 100 of the world's experts in naval hydrodynamics will be coming to Gothenburg 26–31 August to discuss the latest in fluid dynamics and shipping. This year's international symposium is a joint arrangement between the US Office of Naval Research, SSPA Sweden AB and the Chalmers University of Technology to promote the exchange of marine research and innovation between countries.
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Helén Jansson

Presskontakt Communication & Market Manager, SSPA Sweden AB

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Jellyfish inspire tomorrow's shipping. Global Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics to Gothenburg

More than 100 of the world's experts in naval hydrodynamics will be coming to Gothenburg 26–31 August to discuss the latest in fluid dynamics and shipping. This year's international symposium is a joint arrangement between the US Office of Naval Research, SSPA Sweden AB and the Chalmers University of Technology to promote the exchange of marine research and innovation between countries.