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SSG Days: “SSG is doing worthwhile work and more people need to know about it”

The two SSG Days on the 16-17 May 2011 at Rica Talk in Älvsjö, Sweden, were a highly appreciated event and an exciting springboard for SSG’s continued development of committee activities. The day before the SPCI 2011 trade exhibition, close to 110 people from SSG, SSG’s Board of Directors and SSG’s committees gathered to discuss their previous experiences and the industry’s future expectations for continued committee work.

The two days got under way with SSG’s new Chairman Anders Nilsson setting out the Board of Directors’ goals and visions for SSG and SSG’s committees. This was followed by a report from SSG’s CEO Jonas Berggren on the questionnaire about experiences and expectations of committee work that the members themselves had answered prior to the SSG Days. The results formed the basis of discussions during the afternoon session’s workshops.

“I’m sensing the existence of a remarkably positive attitude. Evidently, you all share the view that SSG as a phenomenon – and the committee work that is the foundation of SSG – is beneficial to the industry. This is a company poised to step into the future with a fantastically solid foundation already in place,” explained Anders Nilsson, who continued:

“SSG will continue the assiduous work being done and combine it with intensified information where those around us – i.e. all SSG’s customer companies and all the companies that could use SSG’s standards but are not currently doing so – have an insatiable need. But at the same time, SSG must pay careful attention to make sure it delivers what owners and customers want, to avoid heading in a direction in which there is no demand.”

SSG is doing worthwhile work

Henrik Olofsson, Maintenance Director at Stora Enso Sweden, was asked by Moderator Staffan Sandelin from Mediegruppen if SSG is doing worthwhile work.

“I am firmly convinced of this, as long as SSG works on joint solutions for local and regional benefit.”

“Holmen also regards SSG’s work as being highly beneficial but it’s important we obtain the results of the various committees’ work as well,” explained Roland Carlsson, Holmen’s representative on the SSG Board of Directors.

“It’s impressive to see the amount of time the committee members and mills are actually devoting to this. If we didn’t feel that this work was worthwhile, we wouldn’t be prepared to spend all this time on it. But one important task and homework is that we must put more effort into achieving better control from and coordination within and between the mills,” explained Anders Persson, the Billerud representative on the SSG Board of Directors.

Satisfied with the results

Mattias Wikström, Business Area Manager of SSG Purchasing and Logistics, asked participants a direct question: “You’ve estimated that that each committee member spends an average of two weeks per person and year on committee work. Do you feel that this time results in increased competitiveness for the units you work for?”

“We don’t measure it in these terms but perhaps we should," replied Roland Carlsson, Holmen.

Other comments:

“The work done by the SSG Safety Committee has definitely contributed to a safer workplace.”

“The PED standard developed by the SSG Pipe Committee saves companies money.”

“SSG’s Electrical Committee has developed technical data and questionnaires that speed up and simplify procurements.”

“Perhaps we could spend even more time in the working groups, but it is hard to make this prioritization with the resources currently available.”

Unanimous view

CEO Jonas Berggren and Mats Karlsson, Business Area Manager of SSG Technology, were both surprised by the consensus among participants and in discussions.

“It’s enormously gratifying that there’s such consensus in the view of SSG. Everyone feels that we are really delivering something worthwhile together,” remarked Jonas Berggren.

“Everyone takes a positive view of the co-operation within SSG. The improvement areas are also clearly defined. SSG will be taking all this on board and will be continuing to work on it,” explained Mats Karlsson.

Need for increased co-operation and information

The participants sent one very clear message. In order for committee work and its results to become even more effective, increased understanding and knowledge about SSG will be required, as well as expanded information from SSG to the industrial facilities.

The SSG Days also resulted in some homework for the industrial facilities. They need to review their own organisations, as well as co-operation between them and their contacts with SSG.

“We must act more as ambassadors for SSG and the company’s services within the companies we work for.”

Strong presence and increased resources

SSG also needs to enhance its on-site presence at the industrial facilities.

“Previously you could find SSG ring binders on the shelves: now there are neither ring binders nor staff. We need to enhance our on-site presence at the mills. We are already more active on-site than we have ever been before. We have increased our workforce and this allows us to make our presence more felt. Only a short while ago, our workforce consisted of just 12 people. Most people we have hired since have been employed specifically to provide customer assistance,” commented Jonas Berggren.

Another important issue that was raised was that the committees also need more resources to be able to work even more efficiently.

“The committees need to be strengthened and the networks widened with participants from suppliers and other sectors.”

Make the SSG Days a recurring event

After a shared dinner with the eagerly awaited experience exchange and the regular committee meetings during the morning of the following day, the two SSG Days concluded with a shared lunch. The overall experiences from the two days were very rewarding and satisfied participants summed up the two days' work by saying:

“This was the first time in SSG’s history that we have had this kind of inter-committee networking. We have to make this a recurring event.”






Ulrika Röstlund

Ulrika Röstlund

Presskontakt Marknadschef +46 (0)76-677 22 12

Setting new standards.

Med målet att göra industrin mer effektiv, säker och hållbar samordnar SSG industriell kompetens och skapar standardiserade tjänster inom arbetsmiljö och hållbarhet, något vi har gjort sedan mitten av 50-talet. Genom våra tio kommittéer med experter från hela den svenska industrin skapar vi standardiserade lösningar på gemensamma problem som finns i industrins vardag. Vårt mål är att SSG ska vara det självklara valet och en självklar partner för industrin.

Vi jobbar med:

Tjänster för industrin
Vi tar fram tjänster för säkerhet, inköp, logistik och informationshantering. Flertalet av våra tjänster är webbaserade och tillgängliga dygnet runt. Vi tar även fram tekniska standarder, anvisningar och standardiserade lösningar för internationell processindustri.

Utbildningar och konferenser
Vi tar fram utbildningar och anordnar konferenser inom teknik, underhåll, inköp, hälsa, miljö och säkerhet.

SSG - Setting new standards.

SSG Standard Solutions Group AB

Skönsbergsvägen 3
856 41 Sundsvall