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A value network going back a long way

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A value network going back a long way

SSG's committee work is a cornerstone of the company, and has been so ever since the company began in the 1960s. Can such a traditional approach work and remain vital even in an industry with such a rapid pace of change?

Per Myhrén is an industrial doctoral student from industrial research college ViPP (Value in Product and Processes), part of Karlstad University. He is also responsible for network development at SSG.

Per Myhrén

" Our committee work is very much a form of value network. We facilitate ten networks here, each of which is made up of a number of senior experts from SSG's holding company, but from other industrial companies as well. Some of these participants are of course competitors, offering the same types of product on the same markets. But we have identified a number of areas which are free from competition in which they can work together," says Per Myhrén.

" Of course, they do not sit around giving away their commercial secrets. But that said, there are other issues where the participants can benefit greatly from one another's expertise and experience – in the production of shared technology solutions, for instance. Pipe system optimisation is one of many specific examples," says Per Myhrén.

But the various technology solutions are not the only result of the value networks.

" A number of committees also act as mouthpieces for the industry when it comes to contact with authorities, and they constitute a serious consultation body when new regulations and laws are developed," says Per Myhrén.

Problem becomes solution

But no matter what you want to achieve within the group or network, it always involves working together to come up with solutions to shared problems.

" When members have agreed on a problem which needs to be resolved, they put together a workgroup. This is made up of specialists in the field in question, and they all work together to devise a solution to a problem identified by the industry. We then adapt and package up the proposed solution here at SSG so that it can be launched on the market as a new or updated service, e.g. as a guideline, standard or training course," says Per Myhrén.


In Per Myhrén's opinion, this is where things get really interesting.

" We live on our own revenues, just like any other company, but the resource base comes from the companies taking part in the committees. They provide us with development potential in the form of knowledge, which we take care of and refine into a commercial format. At the same time, the companies have access to a value network in which they can accelerate their own development by benefiting from one another's knowledge and experience," says Per Myhrén.

" In other words, we achieve a kind of network symbiosis in which all parties involved benefit from one another's presence. Of course, all committee participants view this as a very valuable element," concludes Per Myhrén. "One challenge we constantly face involves demonstrating the benefits provided by these networks and how we can communicate these benefits to relevant stakeholders."

Find out more about SSG's committees.

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Ulrika Röstlund

Ulrika Röstlund

Presskontakt Marknadschef +46 (0)76-677 22 12

Setting new standards.

Med målet att göra industrin mer effektiv, säker och hållbar samordnar SSG industriell kompetens och skapar standardiserade tjänster inom arbetsmiljö och hållbarhet, något vi har gjort sedan mitten av 50-talet. Genom våra tio kommittéer med experter från hela den svenska industrin skapar vi standardiserade lösningar på gemensamma problem som finns i industrins vardag. Vårt mål är att SSG ska vara det självklara valet och en självklar partner för industrin.

Vi jobbar med:

Tjänster för industrin
Vi tar fram tjänster för säkerhet, inköp, logistik och informationshantering. Flertalet av våra tjänster är webbaserade och tillgängliga dygnet runt. Vi tar även fram tekniska standarder, anvisningar och standardiserade lösningar för internationell processindustri.

Utbildningar och konferenser
Vi tar fram utbildningar och anordnar konferenser inom teknik, underhåll, inköp, hälsa, miljö och säkerhet.

SSG - Setting new standards.

SSG Standard Solutions Group AB

Skönsbergsvägen 3
856 41 Sundsvall