Nyhet -

Per Wimmer to speak at TEDxKiruna on 13 March 2014

TEDxKiruna proudly presents Per Wimmer as speaker at TEDxKiruna 13 March 2014. 

”I want to write the manual – rather than follow one” 

Per Wimmer is expected to be the first Dane in space. He is signed up for three trips to space and have almost completed his space training. Per lives in London where he owns and runs his own investment bank, Wimmer Financial, founded on the 50th anniversary of Sputnik day, Oct 4, 2007. Be inspired by Per, living out his dreams and passions. Yes – you can do it too!

Global financier, entrepreneur, adventurer and philanthropist. Soon you can add astronaut to your impressive CV. What is the common denominator among these?

Passion and the desire to live out my dreams. If you follow your heart and passions, you can reach much further than you ever imagined.”

You will be the first Dane in space and have booked three spaceflights. Tell us a bit about how you have prepared yourself. And: when is it time for the first space flight?

The preparations for my space trips are now going really well, after years of delays. I hope to be flying into space within the next 12-18 months. Within WimmerSpace, I currently have three space missions with different rocket suppliers: I am a Founder Astronaut with Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic, I hold the number 1 reservation to XCOR’s Lynx I rocketship and, moreover, I have a reservation with SpaceAdventures.”

Wow! What are your expectations for the space flight?

”To have a life changing experience seeing the Earth from out in space whilst experiencing weightlessness. It will be a big dream come true.”

You were, together with Ralph Mitchel, the first person to fly a tandem paraglider over the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest. Is it the challenge itself or the possibility to set a record that drives you?

”As an adventurer, I have travelled to more than 60 countries on Earth, been living with the Indians in the Amazonas Forrest, diving with sharks in Fiji, been skiing in the highest skiing ‘resort’ in the world at 5500 meters altitude outside La Paz, Bolivia, and in 2008, together with Ralph Mitchel, I set a world record by successfully executing the world’s first tandem sky dive above Mount Everest. 

However, having done a number of the various ‘Indiana Jones’ and ‘James Bond’ adventures available on Earth, I am now ready for space – the true adventure frontier of the 21st century. What drives me is the desire for life and the desire to live out my dreams. My adventure ambitions are to break world records and/or to execute adventures for the first time: to write the manual – rather than to follow one.

What is the main message of your TED talk in Kiruna?

”The Seven Fundamental Values of Wimmer Space: 1) Allow yourself to be inspired. Think out of the box. 2) Follow your heart and passion. Have fun. 3) Focus and Execution. 4) Time discipline: Be conscious about time allocation. 5) Teamwork: The sum of the parts is greater than the individual parts alone. 6) Take calculated risks: Assess risks/rewards. 7) Inspire others, especially children, and encourage them to live their dreams."

About TEDxKiruna On March 13th TEDxKiruna returns for the third time for an inspiring day full of amazing speakers sharing their ideas and energy inspiring discussion and perhaps new ventures. We welcome you to one of the world's northernmost TEDx events, hosted in Kiruna in Swedish Lapland, 200 km above the Arctic Circle - right under the magic of the northern light. 

TEDxKiruna is a cross-disciplinary event for people and minds who come together to listen to fascinating speakers inspiring new thoughts and stimulating discussions.The theme of TEDxKiruna 2014 is transformation and for the first time ever, the event is arranged under ground, in the LKAB Visitor Centre, 540 m below ground. 

In the spirit of “ideas worth spreading,” TED has created TEDx TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxKiruna, where x = independently organized TED event. At TEDxKiruna, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.

Per Wimmer will be speaking at TEDxKiruna on March 13th 2014. 

For more information visit www.tedxkiruna.com - we look forward to seeing you. 


  • Vetenskap, allmänt


  • game changer
  • paraglading
  • finantropi
  • philantrophy
  • entrepreneur
  • entreprenör
  • overview effect
  • life changing experiences
  • values
  • transforming
  • transformation
  • lead change
  • adventures
  • banker
  • investment bank
  • rymdturism
  • rymdresor
  • space travel
  • tedxkiruna
  • wimmer financials
  • mount everest
  • virgin galactic
  • xcor
  • space adventures
  • spaceport sweden
  • pioneer
  • äventyrare


Karin Nilsdotter

Presskontakt VD +46 (0)702268801

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