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Spectral and Smartvatten join in for a White Paper Collaboration

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Spectral and Smartvatten join in for a White Paper Collaboration

About the collaboration

Smartvatten and Spectral offer solutions that enable you to obtain precise water and energy usage data, empowering you to make more informed and practical business decisions. By employing advanced real-time data collection and analysis techniques, along with customized support for implementing changes to your property, we can assist you in enhancing your asset value and taking meaningful steps towards a sustainable future.

The Importance of Highlighting Smart Solutions

The real estate market is placing greater emphasis on sustainability, which is now a critical factor in determining the value of a property. This shift means that adopting sustainable practices for your assets can not only benefit the environment but also have a positive impact on the value of your portfolio, directly benefiting your business.

In today’s corporate landscape, ESG performance targets are stricter, and more companies are striving for a net-zero carbon portfolio, often seeking out office spaces that align with their sustainability goals. To ensure compliance with regulations over the next decade, prioritizing sustainability when investing in and maintaining real estate is a smart business decision. This is why Smartvatten and Spectral urge you to consider how your asset’s sustainability performance is evaluated and how detailed data collection and analysis, customized advice, and practical assistance can be used to enhance water and energy conservation efforts.

ESG and Real Estate

The sustainable development and management of your real estate has a significant impact on your asset’s value. There is a growing demand for green buildings from companies that prioritize sustainability, stricter regulations, and the worsening energy crisis. Well-managed assets can generate higher income, increase longevity, and improve financial performance.

Environmental goals are now a top priority for occupants and developers, and investors are taking sustainability seriously as they develop their investment strategies. The ongoing energy crisis is also driving this trend and apart from anticipating rising costs and helping you gain insight into how much you’re using and whether there are leaks in your system, monitoring your water consumption allows you to spot excessive use. By figuring out when and where you’re wasting water, you can prevent unnecessarily high water bills and reduce the strain on natural resources.

With this white paper we therefore explore how sustainability is currently determined in the real estate sector, how measurement data can improve the accuracy and quality of these determinations, and the ways in which our solutions can help improve your sustainability performance and the overall value of your assets.

We hope you enjoy the reading: Increase Your Asset Value - Smartvatten & Spectral



Vatteneffektivitet där varje droppe räknas.
Smartvatten strävar efter att lösa både globala och lokala utmaningar genom våra heltäckande tjänster för vatteneffektivitet för fastighetsägare och vattenbolag.
Fler än 15 000 fastigheter mäter redan sin vattenförbrukning med Smartvatten i realtid.


Katarina Cavala Andelic

Katarina Cavala Andelic

Presskontakt Growth Marketing Manager

Understanding Water.

Vatteneffektivitet där varje droppe räknas.
Smartvatten strävar efter att lösa både globala och lokala utmaningar genom våra heltäckande tjänster för vatteneffektivitet för fastighetsägare och vattenbolag.
Fler än 15 000 fastigheter mäter redan sin vattenförbrukning med Smartvatten i realtid.


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