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Skånes Djurpark is awarded the international Golden Pony Awards for its work in developing the zoo and its surroundings into a strong family-oriented destination.
Skånes Djurpark is awarded the international Golden Pony Awards for its work in developing the zoo and its surroundings into a strong family-oriented destination.

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Skånes Djurpark awarded international award

Skånes Djurpark is awarded the international Golden Pony Awards for its work in developing the zoo and its surroundings into a strong family-oriented destination, creating strong emotional connections between people, animals, and nature, and offering engaging experiences, attractions, and unique accommodations.

Behind the award is Games & Parks Industry, an international magazine that has been covering amusement parks, attractions, and the entertainment industry for 40 years.

In the statement for why Skånes Djurpark is receiving recognition, the following is mentioned:

"Skånes Djurpark is a full-fledged zoo and a member of EAZA. In recent years, thanks to Lund Group's significant investments, the park has transformed into much more than just a zoo. It has become a family-oriented destination and resort focused on creating strong emotional connections between people, animals, and nature through engaging experiences and attractions that also involve unique accommodation concepts."

"It is a great honour to be awarded the Golden Pony Award, and we are incredibly humbled for the recognition the award gives to our hard-working team. Since 2015, we have invested a lot of energy and resources into turning Skånes Djurpark into southern Sweden’s leading family destination. We achieve this primarily by offering experiences, education, and unique overnight accommodation. With nearly one and a half million happy guests since 2015 and around 200 team members making it all run smoothly, it is very exciting to think that our journey has only just begun," says Skånes Djurpark's CEO, Glenn André Viste Bøe.

Skånes Djurpark also creates many job opportunities, with 150 young people working at the park during the high season. Investments in the Dinosaur experience, accommodations like Shaun’s Wagons and Wild Lodge are just a small part of the long-term strategy to develop Skånes Djurpark into one of the best Swedish tourist destinations.

The "Golden Pony Award" was the first award in Europe aimed at recognizing the entertainment industry and has been awarded internationally since 2002 to acknowledge amusement parks, travelling amusement attractions, and personalities from around the world. Some of the recipients in Europe include Europa-Park in Germany, Blackpool Pleasure Beach in the UK, Tivoli in Copenhagen, as well as Kongeparken and Lunds Tivoli, which are also owned by Lund Group.

Skånes Djurpark has previously received several international awards for its innovative work in the IAAPA's prestigious "Brass Ring Awards," which honours achievements among the world's attractions, theme parks, and entertainment venues.

Caption for the attached image: Emma Nordahl, responsible for accommodations at Skånes Djurpark, receiving "The Golden Pony Awards" at a gala ceremony in Bergantino, Italy.

Read more about The Golden Pony Award:




I Skånes Djurpark bor numera inte bara nordiska djur; 2015 växte ett 20 000 kvadratmeter stort Fåret Shaun Land fram och blev hem för Fåret Shaun och hans flock. Under de senaste åren har Skånes Djurpark vunnit 7 internationella priser på branschorganisationen IAAPAs gala ”Brass Ring Awards” för sitt innovativa arbete.

Skånes Djurpark ägs av det norska familjebolaget Lund Gruppen Holding AB, som sedan starten 1895 ägs och drivs av familjen Lund. Koncernen är en av Skandinaviens största aktörer inom besöksnäringen och äger förutom Skånes Djurpark även norska nöjesparken Kongeparken, Lunds Tivoli och Lund Gruppen Arrangemang, som arrangerar flera av Norges större festivaler och byfester. Varje år skapar koncernen oförglömliga upplevelser för över 3 miljoner människor. www.lund-gruppen.no


Anna Holm

Presskontakt Presskontakt 0709707888

Djur, natur och äventyr

Skånes Djurpark är ett familjeäventyr i hjärtat av Skåne. Här bor vargar, kronhjortar och över 85 andra nordiska djurarter i stora hägn, anpassade efter djurens naturliga levnadsmiljöer. Parken är medlem i Svenska Djurparksföreningen och den europeiska djurparksföreningen EAZA.

Skånes Djurpark

Jularp 150
243 93 Höör