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Breakfast being served at Skåne Stadsmission
Breakfast being served at Skåne Stadsmission

Nyhet -

Skånemejerier’s social responsibility

The Swedish Dairy sector contributes to sustainable food systems and a sustainable future in many different ways. Besides delivering nutritious food, biodiversity and ecosystem services like healthy soils and water, the contribution to society is key. For many generations our dairy farms and dairies have been drivers of rural services in all of Sweden. Today the contribution to both rural and urban life is strong. Here are some examples of how Skånemejerier makes a difference.

Social sustainability is about people and relationships, and is one of the focus areas in Skånemejerier's sustainability work. By safeguarding our employees' well-being and development opportunities, we can achieve long-term profitability, create new jobs and contribute to welfare. By working for good conditions throughout the supply chain and engaging in issues outside the company, we want to consolidate our role as a responsible social actor.

Good food for those in need – collaboration with Skåne Stadsmission

We at Skånemejerier have a long-running collaboration with Skåne Stadsmission, an organization which offers professional support, both short and long-term, to people living in vulnerable life situations. The goal is to prevent exclusion and strengthen individuals' power over their own lives. In 2020, we expanded our cooperation with Skåne Stadsmission, and Skånemejerier is now one of the organisation's main partners. In addition to donating 10.6 tons of surplus products during the year, we are now also making an annual financial contribution, so that more people can eat themselves full of good food. With our initiative "Hälsohösten", we transformed our employees' health promotion efforts into breakfasts for those in need. The more each of us did to promote their health, whether it was a run, a moment of meditation or a digital coffee with a colleague, the more breakfasts we donated to Skåne Stadsmission.

Skånemejerier donates surplus products to Ensamkommandes förbund

When it comes to food production such as Skånemejerier’s, despite careful planning, there is always a risk of overproduction and that products are left unsold. In order for these products, which are of the same high quality as usual but approaching expiration, not to be wasted, Skånemejerier has initiated a collaboration with Ensamkommandes förbund in Malmö. Skånemejerier contributes good and healthy food to their meeting place Mötesplats Otto. Here, children and young people who have come to Sweden alone are offered both help with homework and snacks and the opportunity for an important social context.

- The fact that our products can contribute to creating a nutritious supplement for someone who needs an extra boost feels meaningful and preventive from a societal perspective, says Jeanette Flodqvist, Corporate Sustainability Manager at Skånemejerier.

    Corona vaccine distribution – Skånemejerier lends logistics assistance to local government

    During the spring of 2021 coordinating the complex distribution of corona vaccine offered a challenge to local government. To make the distribution of corona vaccine more efficient, Skånemejerier offered logistics assistance to Region Skåne. Skånemejeriers extensive knowledge on cooled transports became valuable in the work of distributing vaccine doses in a safe way. One person from Skånemejerier’s logistics team was on lend to Region Skåne during spring and summer, collaborating with the region’s project group in order to develop a distribution model for safe, chilled distribution of the vaccine to hospitals and health centers.



    Anette Gregow

    Anette Gregow

    Presskontakt Kommunikations- och hållbarhetsdirektör 0703-52 98 97

    Om Skånemejerier

    Skånemejerier värnar om den svenska mjölkbonden och om mångfalden på den svenska mejerimarknaden. Bland våra varumärken finns Skånemejerier, Bravo, Allerum, Hjordnära, Lindahls, Åsens Lantmjölk, Président och Galbani.
    Skånemejerier sysselsätter drygt 700 medarbetare direkt och många fler i vår närhet. Närmare 300 mjölkbönder i Skåne och Sydsverige levererar mjölk till våra mejerier.


    Boplatsgatan 6
    213 76 Malmö