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 MAY 5, 2012 |

Scientologists Run to Promote Drug-Free Living in England


The launch of the first annual Multi-Marathon for a Drug-Free UK with the Mayor of Lambeth on the steps of Lambeth Town Hall

A team of runners carried out a week-long 130-mile (209 km) multi-marathon through southern England to promote drug education and prevention as a primary solution to drug abuse.

The UK Drug-Free Multi-Marathon began April 14 on the steps of Lambeth Town Hall in the south of London. Over the next seven days they ran to East Grinstead in Sussex and on to Uckfield, Brighton, Crawley, Reigate and Croydon, ending back in Westminster in the heart of London.

The athletes met local mayors, police officials and educators, introducing them to The Truth About Drugs drug education and prevention materials: booklets, public service announcements and a hard-hitting documentary that provide factual information on drugs. They also provided drug education lectures in schools along the way and encouraged students attending to take the Drug-Free Ambassador Oath—a pledge to live drug-free and to help their friends and family do the same.

The runners were enthusiastic about the response they received, commenting that throughout the route, people honked, waved, and gave them a thumbs-up. 

The team was comprised of two athletes from London and six Hungarian runners who have carried out annual cross-country anti-drug marathons in Hungary for the past 10 years. To cover 130 miles in a week, runners clocked an average of 18 1/2 miles each day. The event was organized and sponsored by the Church of Scientology of London.

To learn more about the drug prevention initiative sponsored by the Church of Scientology or to participate in the program, visit the Scientology website.


The Church of Scientology sponsors one of the world’s largest nongovernmental drug education and prevention campaigns.  When young people are provided with the truth about drugs—factual information on what drugs are and what they do—usage rates drop commensurately.




Karin Larsson

Karin Larsson

Presskontakt Presskontakt 08-640 0681

Scientologi-kyrkan i Stockholm

Den första Scientologi-kyrkan i Sverige etablerades i Göteborg 1968, vilket markerar början på Scientologins närvaro i landet. Kyrkan har med tiden vuxit till ett religiöst trossamfund som inte bara tjänar sina medlemmar. Den bidrar också till det svenska samhället med utbildningsprogram om mänskliga rättigheter, drogprevention, moraliska värderingar och hjälp när naturkatastrofer uppstår. Den är aktiv i interreligiös dialog och samarbete.
Scientologi-kyrkan Sverige registrerades officiellt som trossamfund av Kammarkollegiet den 13 mars 2000.

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